XKilimanjaro wrote:I've heard a lot of good things about Mass Effect, but I've heard a lot of bad things too. It seems like Mass Effect is one of those games where you either hate it or you love it...what I'm most iffy about is the battle sequences, which apparently aren't very good.
For anyone who already owns the game, do you think it is a good buy?
Mass Effect is, essentially, a Science Fiction themed RPG with a combat engine that plays like a squadron game. I mean by this that you get to improve abilities and customize your character. Most importantly to me, there is an engaging story and world that your actions effect. Here's my 2 cents worth on the game:
Pros: Engaging core story. The main quest and missions central to that main quest are very well done. The character interactions are solid and well worth your time, as well.
The game is gorgeous. The graphics are simply beautiful. The mythology crafted for the Mass Effect world is as engaging as any game I've played, as well. The alien races are cool and unique. The technology is well thought out. Interplanetary politics are as infuriating as you'd imagine them to be. It's a fun world that is easy to get lost in. I can definitely see the Mass Effect universe making great subject matter for novels, comics, and other things, as well as video games.
Cons: The exploration aspect of the game is a bit tedious and not that much fun after your first few hours of doing it. The "side quests" are simply redundant and not fully fleshed out. But, again these are an optional part of the game. I'd do as many of them as you find interesting, then move back to the main story.
The game only has one real "city" too. It's a well done city that you'll enjoy. However, if you're like me and really enjoy visiting and exploring cities in video games, the game will never feel quite as cool as it does at the very early on point in the game you visit the massive Citadel.
Don't get me wrong, you'll visit merchants in other places and some colonies. And, the ones that are part of the core game are very well done and interesting. However, don't expect a lot of side quests in them. The majority of your exploration will not be in cities, but, rather, on unchartered worlds which feel barren and can grow redundant.
I've heard the game criticized for its inventory system, quite a bit. It isn't the best in the world, but it didn't bother me as much as it did other people. You get used to it.
Somewhere in Between: Combat. I've never played games like "Call of Duty", so the shooter action took some getting use to. Combat gets to actually be fun, but there is a learning curve. My experience was that it starts off hard, but as you gain more powerful, it grows fairly easily (typical for Bioware games...). Still, expect to die a lot early on. And, if you like replaying games, I've heard the higher difficulty levels (beyond normal) add the need for increased tactics to the game.
All in all, I think it's worth picking up. It's a solid game. If you enjoyed Bioware's other efforts such as Jade Empire and KoTOR, you'll like Mass Effect. If you like sci-fi or just a good central story, you'll like Mass Effect. My hope is that when they do Mass Effect 2 (it's suppose to be part of a trilogy), they'll put together more polished areas and have less dull side missions in recycled areas. Still, I'm enjoying the game (particularly the "game world") and I'll pick up the sequel, if they are still planning on making it.