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Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2002 6:49 am
by Morlock
Full Metal Jacket

The movie is definately a greta movie.
I thought Mathiew Modine's narration sounded very robotic- and with no expression.
Without a doubt the first 45 minutes are the best. R. Lee Ermey is realy great as Hartmann- his rant of cursing everyone was realy great. I read in imdb that He was the military adviser, when he went on a similar rant in real life, for 15 minutes, without the even the slightest break- so Kubrick gave him the part.
This seems like the most 'normal' film Kubrick has made.

Still out of the three Kubrick films that I've seen Dr. Strangelove is the best. I think a lot of it has to do with the acting. In FMG except for Ermey, there weren't any realy good actors. in
DS-OHISWALTLTB (for the full name :D ) there was Peter Sellars, Sterling Hayden, Slim Pickens, George C. Scott and James Earl Jones', in his first movie.

Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2002 6:53 am
by Tamerlane
Re: Full Metal Jacket
Originally posted by Morlock
DS-OHISWALTLTB (for the full name :D ) there was Peter Sellars, Sterling Hayden, Slim Pickens, George C. Scott and James Earl Jones', in his first movie.
You going to have to run the DS.... pass me.

I've always wanted to know what it actually was. :o

Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2002 6:58 am
by Gruntboy
FMJ is fantastic - the book is pretty good to (the short-timers).

"You will not laugh, you will not cry, you will learn by the numbers!"

Black Hawk Down was pretty good - the bbook is better though, a lot more disturbing and visceral than I was lead to believe the movie was. Ridley Scott wimped out.

Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2002 10:38 am
by Georgi
Re: Re: Full Metal Jacket
Originally posted by Tamerlane
You going to have to run the DS.... pass me.

I've always wanted to know what it actually was.
Dr Strangelove, or How I Stopped Worrying and Learned to Love the Bomb ;)

@Grunty They probably wanted to cut it to get the 15 cert. I thought bits of it were quite grim though...

Life of Brian - I have a theory that this is the most popular Monty Python movie because it's not as surreal as Holy Grail (IMO the superior movie - and I can't comment on Meaning of Life because I've only watched the first 15 mins or so and got bored :o ), in the same way that quite a lot of people who like the movies don't really get the TV show at all because it's so weird. Not to say that LoB isn't great though.
"You're all individuals!"
"Yes, we're all individuals!"
"I'm not!"

Platoon - was an Oliver Stone movie that didn't bore me out of my mind ;)

The Blues Brothers - well, it's fun :D

Usual Suspects - fantastic movie. @Morlock I didn't know Leonard Maltin had said that about it :eek: Sound to me like he's describing Fight Club *dodges inevitable flames* ;)

Black Hawk Down - I actually had trouble distinguishing who was who a lot of the time in this... Although I did notice Orlando Bloom was the first to bite the dust (typical :rolleyes: ), not that I had my eye on him or anything... ;)

Posted: Sun Apr 14, 2002 9:43 am
by Morlock
I've just finished seing Memento. It was a very good movie, though not very clear the first time. I didn't get that they were going back the whole time till about 45 minutes in. I mean, I thought They were just randomley put in.
Pierce was great in it, one of the best American accents I've ever heard from a foreign actor.
They didn't make it totaly consistent that he only remmembered things for a few minutes- sometimes he didn't remmember things at all, and sometimes he had a pretty clear idea.
All in all a very good movie- with a couple of great lines:

"it's probably his. I don't think they'd let someone like me get a gun."

"uh, what am I doing here?
"Oh, I'm chasing this guy"
"Nope, he's chasing me" :D

Or the scene when he is in the bathroom with the bottle- "I don't feel drunk", then you see how the scene started.

Reminds me of the backwards Seinfeld-
George-"Bless you"
5 seconds earlier-
guy sneezes.

Posted: Sun Apr 14, 2002 10:53 am
by KidD01
Out of curiousity, anyone seen "The Scorpion King" yet ? Since The Rock starred it, I got doubts to see it since "Mummy 2" not so good as the first

Posted: Sun Apr 14, 2002 6:51 pm
by Georgi
@Morlock I like a movie that isn't totally cut and dry the first time you watch... you need to go away and think about it, and see it again. I was confused the first time, thought it made sense the second time, confused again the third time, even more confused when I watched the chronological version (it doesn't help :D )... I still think it's a great movie even if it's confusing :)

@KidD The Scorpion King, from the trailer, looks like a cross between Conan and The Mummy... I don't think I'll be seeing it ;)

Posted: Sun Apr 14, 2002 9:05 pm
by Tamerlane
I didn't see this one coming. The movie which pretty much made Anime popular to the Western audience is going for a remake.

Akira Shame its a live action version though. :rolleyes:

Posted: Mon Apr 15, 2002 3:19 am
by KidD01
Originally posted by Georgi
@KidD The Scorpion King, from the trailer, looks like a cross between Conan and The Mummy... I don't think I'll be seeing it ;)
Then why don't they titled the movie with " "Rocky, The Barbarian" ??? :D :D :D

Posted: Mon Apr 15, 2002 6:47 am
by Robnark
*cough* becausetheyhaveasenseofhumor *cough* :p :D

Posted: Mon Apr 15, 2002 6:55 am
by Gruntboy
I saw K-PAX on R1 DVD before it was even out at the UK cinema.

Thoroughly enjoyed it - Spacey was brilliant (as in the Usual Suspects).

Actually, taking on 20-40 drug-goons on board a boat with $90 million dollars worth of dope which isn't there is one of my fantasies. :cool:

Posted: Mon Apr 15, 2002 7:43 am
by Morlock
I thought K-Pax was too similar to one flew over the cukoo's nest.

Posted: Mon Apr 15, 2002 8:41 am
by KidD01
OMG ! I just see the trailer on TV, my all time super hero is back in action ! ol' Spidey is out in cinemas ! I'd rather see this than "Rockie, The Barbarian" :D :D

Posted: Mon Apr 15, 2002 1:53 pm
by Robnark
a thriller horror type thing starring the rock? why, it's the 'Rocky Horror Picture Show'! :D

Posted: Mon Apr 15, 2002 6:28 pm
by Georgi
I saw some clips of Scorpion King on TV earlier... good point = fight with flaming swords :cool: bad point = a scene eerily similar to that castle full of women where Sir Galahad (IIRC) gets trapped in Monty Python and the Holy Grail, only serious :rolleyes: ;)

Haven't seen K-Pax yet (well, it did only open last weekend), but I read the book a couple of weeks ago, and really enjoyed it - I lent it to my mum, and she says she's finding it hard to put down ;)

Posted: Mon Apr 15, 2002 6:36 pm
by Tamerlane
Originally posted by Georgi
I saw some clips of Scorpion King on TV earlier... good point = fight with flaming swords :cool:
Bah, flaming swords... :mad:

Give me a proper fencing duel any day :p

Posted: Mon Apr 15, 2002 6:46 pm
by Georgi
Originally posted by Tamerlane
Bah, flaming swords...

Give me a proper fencing duel any day
Hey, I like my flametongue longsword :p ;)

Maybe The Count of Monte Cristo is more your style? :D

Posted: Mon Apr 15, 2002 6:55 pm
by Tamerlane
Originally posted by Georgi
Maybe The Count of Monte Cristo is more your style? :D
Why yes it is. :cool:

Posted: Mon Apr 15, 2002 7:09 pm
by Georgi
Originally posted by Tamerlane
Why yes it is. :cool:
I must say it does look cool... and Guy Pearce is in it, what more could one want? :D

Posted: Mon Apr 15, 2002 7:23 pm
by Tamerlane
Originally posted by Georgi
I must say it does look cool... and Guy Pearce is in it, what more could one want? :D
Your talking about the remake *sigh*. It was on TV yesterday, and a still came up saying from the makers of Robin Hood. I mistook it for another Robin Hood movie. Didn't pay attention to the rest of the clip until I saw those words Count Of Monte Cristo :o