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Posted: Fri Dec 13, 2002 3:13 pm
by Loredweller
Sure, however success will depend on skill in the spell class and (in a bit lesser degree) on the attribute related (intellect, personality, willpower). Luck have some impact, too.
There's no class restrictions in the Morrowind. You get initial bonuses for major/minor skills when you decide about your class (racial bonuses play here as well), your major/minor skills develops a bit faster (or so it's said) and only those counts in advancing in levels (it is when you may raise your attributes, otherwise the level isn't that imortant in this game), altogether what to develop and how is completely up to you. You may start as a fighter and finish as a great mage or begin as a mage and end as master thief. In fact, patient players have all attributes near 100 and almost universal warrior (if they haven't left something out on purpose) at the end.

Posted: Fri Dec 13, 2002 9:06 pm
by rnrules
But, even if you are "universal" I usually still play my role (cause it's so darn cool!) Example of views (good and bad, bad comes first, I hope you can figure that out!!):

"I'll be nice and persuade this guy and get some debt money"
"Sneak up behind him, a slash here, and one there and I'll have him!"

"I'll be nice and put an enchantment on him and take the money"
"I'll set his hair on fire"

"Give me money, or I give you axe"
"I give you axe!!"

Posted: Sat Dec 14, 2002 4:12 am
by Loredweller
IMHO, the role is a character, not the class (although it's part of it). Just MHO, though.
Under the character i mind line of behavior, which quests to take and which to leave, what factions to join etc. So, in my opinion, if one's going to join Redorans it's not the way to behave just as Telvani, if you got my meaning. And, from the other side, if the character feels it's rather following Telvani rules, why would he have to join Redorans?

Posted: Sat Dec 14, 2002 8:07 am
by De_Priester
So how does one memorize a spell ?

Posted: Sat Dec 14, 2002 9:23 am
by fable
You don't. No offense, but haven't you got the manual? As I recall, it explains that once you've learned a spell, all you need is sufficient power to cast it. Of course, your success rate is going to be affected by your ability level in the spell's related skill area (alteration, etc).

Posted: Sat Dec 14, 2002 9:48 am
by free_fall
You don't 'memorize' spells, per se - you purchase them.

You're not actually buying the spell, you're paying that person to 'teach' you the spell.

Spells thus learned appear in your Spell inventory. The two numbers (xx/xxx) next to the spell name indicate mana cost/chance of successful casting. For example, 10/50 means the spell costs 10 mana (intelligence points) and you have a 50% chance of successfully casting it. As your skills (in the various types of magic) increase, so too will the success per centile.

Darn it, fable, you beat me to it. You got your post up while I was composing mine - I have to type (or think) faster.

Posted: Sat Dec 14, 2002 11:47 am
by De_Priester
ah k sorry yeah I'm a bit bdg player so I figured the scrolls you found take care of the memorizing and such :P