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Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2003 5:29 am
by fable
Originally posted by Kayless
@fabster, Your love of the Halfling's leaf has clearly slowed your mind. :p

From the desk of Leva the cat...

And you've banged your head more than once too often on all those small underground staglatites while drawing your comic strip from life. Look, guy:

I've got four feet.
I'm covered in black fur.
I haven't got opposable thumbs.
I've got a tail.
I use a litter box.
I don't wear clothes.

Yes, I know all this means I could be somebody's wet dream of Summer Altice in a catsuit, but I ain't. I'm a cat. Feed me, or die. What else has such an attitude? Or deserves to?

Sheesh, humans. :rolleyes:

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2003 5:34 am
by Georgi
Originally posted by fable
From the desk of Leva the cat...
I've got four feet.
I haven't got opposable thumbs.
Doesn't that make typing difficult? ;)

I wonder whether Fable's other cat has any unusual talents...

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2003 5:56 am
by Kayless
Originally posted by fable
And you've banged your head more than once too often on all those small underground staglatites while drawing your comic strip from life.

It's not the stalactites I worry about bumbing into, it's the stalagmites. Ever sit on one of those buggers? :eek:
Originally posted by fable
I use a litter box.
I don't wear clothes.

That makes two of us. Image
Originally posted by fable
I'm a cat. Feed me, or die. What else has such an attitude? Or deserves to?

Marlon Brando?

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2003 7:19 am
by fable
From the desk of Leva the cat...

Originally posted by fable
I'm a cat. Feed me, or die. What else has such an attitude? Or deserves to?

Kayless replies...

Marlon Brando?

Okay, true. Besides him, though?

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2003 7:42 am
by Minerva
Originally posted by fable
Okay, true. Besides him, though?

....half the American population? :rolleyes:

Welcome back to the real world, fable. No one had punched up each other, nor run around streaking while you were away.

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2003 8:15 am
by fable
Originally posted by Minerva
Welcome back to the real world, fable. No one had punched up each other, nor run around streaking while you were away.

No streaking? Too bad. What did Buck do, incorporate some kind of Prozac ray in the electronic display?

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2003 8:33 am
by Minerva
Originally posted by fable
No streaking? Too bad. What did Buck do, incorporate some kind of Prozac ray in the electronic display?

I suspect Buck himself needs to take triple dose of Prozac before he comes running in the SYM streaking these days. Or was that double dose with vodka and viagra....? :rolleyes:

*run and hide*

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2003 11:04 am
by KidD01
Originally posted by Kayless
Marlon Brando?

Russel Crowe comes in mind :rolleyes:

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2003 12:15 pm
by Galuf the Dwarf
OMG, this is crazy!

*ROTFLMAO* You... guys... are hilarious! *gets up after about 10 seconds, gasping for breath and red in the face*

Kid01: Actually, sounds more like one of my cats, Barney. I'm talking about a feline who's got a tummy the size of a cantelope!

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2003 4:08 pm
by Kayless
Originally posted by Minerva
....half the American population? :rolleyes:

You just made my list missy! :mad: *looks around for list* Damn, I must have eaten it. :( I guess I'll go drink some gravy to make myself feel better. :D
Originally posted by fable
Okay, true. Besides him, though?

Orson Wells (when he was still alive)? Raymond Burr (is he still alive)? Harry Knowles (of AICN)? And there was a time when Arnold was looking morbidly obese. :eek:

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2003 4:28 pm
by fable
Originally posted by Kayless
Orson Wells (when he was still alive)? Raymond Burr (is he still alive)? Harry Knowles (of AICN)? And there was a time when Arnold was looking morbidly obese. :eek:

Oh, but you were arguing with my cat about attitude, not size. Leva is trim and relatively slim. They don't get table scraps, a habit my wife ingrained in them. However, I've been working on getting him to slurp melted ice milk when she's not around. I think I'm breaking his conditioning. ;)

As for Orson Welles and Raymond Burr, they were satirized in a old SCTV routine about a restaurant on a cliff where the portions were obscenely huge. I think the final shot was of the restaurant actually falling over the cliff from sheer weight. :D

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2003 4:38 pm
by The Z
Happy belated welcome back :D

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2003 4:43 pm
by fable
Thanks! It was an enriching experience. I learned many things in the Netherlands, of which the foremost is that if you see two ladders of more than ten feet in length in a row, it constitutes a mountain range. :)

I suppose I should also put in a mention of capitalism or Ayn Rand, just to see if it brings in Lazarus for a friendly wave. :D

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2003 5:04 pm
by Kayless
Originally posted by fable
Oh, but you were arguing with my cat about attitude, not size.

Attitude determines size. It's all psychological. You have to be in the right mindset if you're going to pump up (or not, if your going to pork out). ;)
Originally posted by fable
As for Orson Welles and Raymond Burr, they were satirized in a old SCTV routine about a restaurant on a cliff where the portions were obscenely huge. I think the final shot was of the restaurant actually falling over the cliff from sheer weight. :D

Ahh SCTV. :D I remember a bit they did featuring Lorne Greene singing dirty limericks. Man I haven't laughed that hard in a while. Image Wish I could remember how that limerick went...

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2003 5:11 pm
by Scayde
Originally posted by fable
I suppose I should also put in a mention of capitalism or Ayn Rand, just to see if it brings in Lazarus for a friendly wave. :D

Will I do?... :D

ok, ok, I know I already said Hi, but I couldn't resist :p ;)

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2003 5:56 pm
by C Elegans
After just having posted about overprescription of psychotropic drugs in the US, I still feel I should recommend you some antipsychotics, Fable... ;) Melatonin against jet lag has not been demonstrated to work :D
Originally posted by fable
Took in a few concerts, bicycled about a bit, tried to avoid tourist crowds. The Netherlands is a pretty heavily developed, Westernized nation.
The flatness certainly begs for bicycle trips :) As in Denmark, too. To me, NL is a typicall North Western European, continental country, heavily urbanised just about everywhere. Here in little backwater Scandinavia we have far more untouched wilderness :D
The only remotely challenging thing we did was take a tour of the manmade limestone caves under Maastricht, in part with no lantern: absolutely dark. Not a speck of light.

I had no idea there were manmade caves under Maastricht! I have this sick liking of caves, I am not really interested in cave exploring, but still I can't resist to crawl into every dark hole I find in the mountains :D

There is a quite famous cave system at the island of Gotland here is Sweden, with various degrees of difficulty, from walking into the tourist parts with lights and everything, to parts that is challenging even for the pros. *trying to tempt Fable and Jan to visit Sweden next summer*

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2003 6:29 pm
by Yshania
Originally posted by C Elegans

The flatness certainly begs for bicycle trips :)

You must have a death wish lol! I struggled to even cross those streets as a sobre pedestrian, never mind take to the roads :D

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2003 6:55 pm
by C Elegans
Originally posted by Yshania
You must have a death wish lol! I struggled to even cross those streets as a sobre pedestrian, never mind take to the roads :D

ROFL, it's actually more dangerous as a sober pedestrian, because those damn cyclist drive like tramways :D Here in Stockholm, I'm used to almost getting run over by cars when I'm on my bike, in Amsterdam I was almost run over by a cyclist every 5 minutes or so :D

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2003 8:16 pm
by fable
Originally posted by C Elegans
ROFL, it's actually more dangerous as a sober pedestrian, because those damn cyclist drive like tramways :D Here in Stockholm, I'm used to almost getting run over by cars when I'm on my bike, in Amsterdam I was almost run over by a cyclist every 5 minutes or so :D

While we certainly encountered many courteous cyclists in the Netherlands, there were also some who stopped for nothing, and a couple who wouldn't even wait for the light to turn for them. They seemed to think that the traffic laws governing cyclists just didn't apply in their case. :rolleyes:

I had no idea there were manmade caves under Maastricht! I have this sick liking of caves, I am not really interested in cave exploring, but still I can't resist to crawl into every dark hole I find in the mountains.

It's a fascinating cave system, split into two major sections. I was impressed by the chaotically dug north and the extremely regular south, and quizzed our guide on that. Apparently the southern limestone excavations were handled by the Church, which used the stone for its own purposes and sold it to others. I only wish the guide had more time, but you know how that goes: they're really just around to offer information to the average tour group, in the allotted average tour group time. I think our genuine interest made him ansy. :(

Speaking of personal reactions to outside temperature (which we did, when we met at the Novotel), the temperature down in the caves was very humid but about 20 degrees Fahrenheit less than the 80, outside. We had been cautioned to come bundled up. My wife did, but she's always cold, so it was appropriate. I arrived in shorts and a loose, short-sleeved shirt, and was much happier than under the external heat. :D

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2003 11:07 pm
by Kayless
Originally posted by C Elegans
I have this sick liking of caves, I am not really interested in cave exploring, but still I can't resist to crawl into every dark hole I find in the mountains :D

*Recalls all that Freudian psychodynamic perspective reading for college*
