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Posted: Tue May 25, 2004 8:08 pm
by Anonononomous
So, I just use the spell/item and then I can open stuff that's far away? Like as if i had really long arms? Or do I have to cast the spell at the thing I want to grab?

Posted: Tue May 25, 2004 8:13 pm
by HiRo11er
Thanks, HiRo11er! Jeez, everybody's always pickin' on me, juuuust because I'm not quite exalted yet......

You got it spot on, girl! All us veterans -really- despise anyone who isn't exalted here... ;)

jk, of course...

I think telekinesis works as simple as each point of telekinesis in effect equals one foot in morrowind. I just enchanted a ring with slowfall, waterwalk, restore fatigue 1, & telekinesis 5 pts as CE... (sweeet..) When I equipped it I could open a closet while standing from a little ways away. When I took it off I had to go appr. 5 feet closer (more like 3,5-4 maybe) before I could open it. I can only imagine telekinesis 100...

About other must-have skills I believe mercantile requires an honorable mention. If you can't fill up your character with essential skills, adding mercantile will guarantee you a nice, steady level-up...

Yet another comment: I always went for security at first, but i've lately realized that alteration is just as good, if not better. You can simply create one spell that opens lvl 40, one does 75, and one does 100... And no heavy, encumbring lockpicks to log around with! ;)

Posted: Tue May 25, 2004 8:14 pm
by HiRo11er
2 people responded to that while I was typing... :eek:

Posted: Tue May 25, 2004 8:20 pm
by UserUnfriendly
enchant, long blade, acrobatics, alchemy and destruction...

yep, destruction...

enchant not for making your own items, its to make the items you create or loot last longer before running out of charges..

long blade obvious...

acrobatics, i jump everywhere, and even with constant effect jump, acrobatics help a lot...

destruction...until i get to fairly powerful levels, a firestorm is my way of settling most arguments...

alchemy to make restore mana potions... :p

Posted: Tue May 25, 2004 8:56 pm
by blake
alchemy, the funnest skill in the world.. nothing like setting your intelligence 100000000000000000 and then making a potion of telekinesis or levitate ahahahahahahaha

Posted: Tue May 25, 2004 8:57 pm
by HiRo11er
*runs to find potion recipes somewhere online*

Posted: Wed May 26, 2004 9:01 am
by Morril
Originally posted by blake
alchemy, the funnest skill in the world..

And you can make good money too - selling the potions :)

Posted: Thu May 27, 2004 11:23 am
by Aaron Kasra
I'm new to the game but I've got to say I've found Alchemy to be the most valuable skill so far. Once you've gotten your skill above 60 and are using only "Master" level equipment, you can make a lot of potions that weight 0.0!!! I probably carry seven to nine dozen potions at a time. They're excellent potions too, most of the restoring ones repair more damage than I could possibly take.

I just bought a Grandmaster Mortar and Pestle from that alchemist who lives behind the Hlaalo Manor in Balmora. It makes even better potions but it seems like the weigh more. Can't say that for sure just yet.

I like enchanted items, too, but I'd just as soon hire an enchanter for the job.