Anyway, I played a consular only to realise that I shouldn't have bothered. Jolee is as much a consular as any build I can come up with. After all, 70% of the game is played with Jolee ard... so I enjoy the use of high DC dark force powers anyway. The thing I need in my games (like this dune sea deadly ambush) is a tanker, strong in hitting and resilient against attacks (which guardians naturally are).
Excuse me sun facer, but youre wrong. The fact that you have to use stims and force buffs to be able to defeat hard battles while I need nothing as a pure consular pretty much says it all. If a consular can survive with less hp than a guardian then naturally it's because he gets hit less, which means less effort to win battles, which means that he is not at all useless. And sure Jolee is a good consular, but the fact that he remains neutral means that most of the time for most spells he will be using double the necessary fps, and also that he can't get the best Items for consular for being neutral, exclusive for lightside consulars. Either way, consulars are not worse than guardians. A scoundrel consular will be able to disable any enemy if done properly (with force powers) and even though he is less proficient at hitting enemies the -4 to defense penalty due to the disabled status will make it a lot easier, all the while getting sneak attack bonus. I breezed through tatooine, and this ambush did happen, but with double pistol wielding mission and jolee and my consular the fight finished and nobody could even touch me, or any of my NPCs either.
Consulars are not to be bothered? I think not. Force Powers are simply the best way to go through hard battles. Meelee is good sure, may own everything when you reach the end of the game sure, but I owned everything throughout the whole game, every single battle, and it was so much better than a Guardian. Of course this is my personal experience and not to take personally, but I always prefer magic over melee. Why would you bother fighting a really tough opponent when you can disable him for the whole battle and never take a hit? Only a preference of playing style of course, but I'd rather not be touched.
With force storm, you zapp the life outta them.. sure.. but with Kill, they stop moving.. stop attacking.. lose half their vitality points... and then, 2 turns later, they face a speeded master power attack crushing down their heads. They fall immediately of course.. since they only have half life left. In fact, with this tactic, many of my battles turn out to last only 2 to 3 turns.
I agree that disabling powers are the best. Kill is certainly one of the best powers I ever had. My most powerful build as of yet is a slightly lightside consular that uses dark force powers, like kill and insanity. Kill is amazing, I agree. I chose slightly lightside to get all the item bonuses and force valour, and a minimal penalty for all darkside powers. The increase in force points due to the items more than makes up for the penalties and you can make an extra 10 DC with Lightsiders than with Darksiders. (items and force valour) Force Storm is I think too costly to justify investing in.