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Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2003 4:50 pm
by Stilgar
It's been a while since i played before DragonsEye4 (just reastarted an old save game and finished it today (HOORAAH))
But back on topic. Buff up your fighter with as much potions and spells as you can. (haste is almost a must in every hard battle).
I presume you read the walkthrough here at gamebanshee? If not this is what is states:
Originally posted by Gamebanshee walkthrough
This room has one Iron Monk. You must maneuver it on top of the blue platform while attacking. When you have it almost dead it will pass out on the platform. Move quickly to the lever on the top right wall and activate it. A door will open to the north. Another Iron Monk is inside and the other one will revive. There are two blue platforms in this new room. You must attack until both are passed out on top the the blue platforms. Again move quickly to the other lever and activate it to defeat this room. Characters with high fighting skills and dash work well.
Hope this helps
[EDIT]PS. You can find the walktrough
Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2003 9:23 am
by DraySkullan
I remember this one. It automatically dispels all magic in effect on you, and you can't take anything with you. What I did was take my cleric, avoid the fire (you can see orange circles a few seconds before the flamestrikes hit), and cast a couple of animate dead spells. If you get a greater drowned dead or a elite greater boneguard... you're golden. They'll take down the monks pretty easily while you just run around trying not to get toasted.
One thing I thought about later but never got to try was a thief. Greater Evasion should keep him from getting torched, but I wasn't sure if he could deal enough damage on his how w/o magical weapons.
Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2003 10:26 am
by Galuf the Dwarf
Originally posted by DraySkullan
I remember this one. It automatically dispels all magic in effect on you, and you can't take anything with you. What I did was take my cleric, avoid the fire (you can see orange circles a few seconds before the flamestrikes hit), and cast a couple of animate dead spells. If you get a greater drowned dead or a elite greater boneguard... you're golden. They'll take down the monks pretty easily while you just run around trying not to get toasted.
One thing I thought about later but never got to try was a thief. Greater Evasion should keep him from getting torched, but I wasn't sure if he could deal enough damage on his how w/o magical weapons.
Excellent idea, DraySkullan. For me, however, I cycled through as many different characters as I could. My best choice, finally, was my Half-Orc Barbarian/Ranger. I equipped him with a war hammer in his right hand and a short sword in his left, and unleashed his fury upon those Bronze Monks. Finally, the monks lay as pools of molten metal, and my Barbarian survived with (IIRC) 2 health points left and being fatigued!
I tried to go through the final chamber with my Level 12 Halfling Rogue, but for some reason, he could hardly evade the Flame Strikes at all.
Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2003 6:01 pm
by The Rose
hey thanks alot guys, for all the ideas. i'm sure i'll have a chance to try them all. thanks again.

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2003 9:01 am
by magic3
I used my level 12 fighter to get pass there.. He has weapon specialization in axes..
Just run for the golden button and pause the game.. Take the Throwing things.. Axes give out the best damage.. Run a bit further and throw them to one of the monks.. After you kill him your ammo of axes would probably vanish so take out your battle axe and slash his head away..
Had to try a lot to get pass there myself...

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2003 6:25 pm
by The Rose
well i did it.all it took was my half orc barbarian and a little rage to make short work of the monks, thanks again for all the ideas.
Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2004 11:20 am
by Ste
Problem with 8th chamber (monastery)
I have made a very powerfull party that i red in a magazine and all the game is going very well until the 8th chamber of the monastery with the fire monks! Is there a hint for that?
Thank you for the reply!
Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2004 12:48 pm
by Julian
As of whar i can remember the 8th chamber is the one with all the fire and 2 or 3 monks. I used my cleric in most of the rooms and he kicked a**!
What i probobly did was:
1. cast protection from fire
2. animate a few undead
3. when a spot glows, run there before the flame stike
hits you
This is maybe a little cheesy for you, but it works.
You could also try using a rouge with evasion.
Hope this helps
Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2004 1:38 am
by black thor
I used my dwarf figther/barbarian
a good tank works very well in all the 8 chambers (a lot of HP)
Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2004 7:42 am
by cugel
I had the same problem.
So I started a new game with a party of 4, so I could level up fast.
When I got to the 8th chamber my main fighter was about level 12 and a lot of hitpoints. But still I could not defeat the monks.
I tried my cleric, with a heal spell, and monster summoning and that worked ok! The monster distracted one monk, when I was busy with the other. When I had almost 0 hp I cast a healing spell which allowed me to continue and defaet the two monks.
Hope this helps,
Posted: Fri Apr 23, 2004 7:48 am
by Janarehansen
Cleric - heal and summon
Use a cleric. Memorize two heal and some high level summon spells (5 or 6 th)
Cast a summon the moment you enter. At least one of the monks will focus and get killed by the summon. Deal with the other. Cast heal (their casting time is 2 so it wont get disrupted).
Posted: Fri Apr 23, 2004 7:55 am
by Janarehansen
Cleric - heal and summon
Use a cleric. Memorize two heal and some high level summon spells (5 or 6 th)
Cast a summon the moment you enter. At least one of the monks will focus and get killed by the summon. Deal with the other. Cast heal (their casting time is 2 so it wont get disrupted).
Posted: Fri Apr 23, 2004 9:45 am
by Ste
MAny hank about the help! i wana ask for after now.When i get to the tomb there are 4 Iron Golems but they are very powerfull!IS there somethink important in the tomb?
Posted: Sat Apr 24, 2004 12:05 am
by Patrick
I think there is some good stuff,
I think you need +3 weapons with some spell and potion buffs. Summon some bonegaurds. One at a time. Hope this helps.
Posted: Sat May 01, 2004 12:37 pm
by sparhawk_tr
I used a monk with improved evasion. And in my first try i passed it. It was a very easy challenge with impoved evasion and with a monk. (because as you know the items that were placed in the chambers aren't good enough)
Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2005 9:39 pm
by luz
8th monk chamber
Ok, got through the will o' wisps and all that (magical missiles hit them apparently). I creamed the *()&^%, then went back and did it again just to let them know how much I don't like them.

Anyhow, I made it to the monk's palace, and have kicked butt in 7 of the 8 chambers, but I can't seem to beat the 8th one. I have my aasimar paladin with 110 hp and lay on hands in there, but he's getting thrown around like a rag doll. Any ideas on this?
Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2005 10:25 pm
by ishuman
I used a spellcaster with some summons and didn't have much trouble.
Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2005 11:37 pm
by Wrath-Of-Egg
There is earlier thread about this matter... try seach ''8 chambers''
Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2005 7:12 am
by neocool00
Here is some advice I found on another website:
Hi-light to view
Within the Chamber of Immolation are two brass monks that will attack you from the centre of the room. The monks inflict both bludgeoning and fire damage with each hit. In addition to the monks, the character will have to avoid the pillars of flame that periodically strike down from the ceiling. The flame-strikes are preceded by a glowing orange circle, so keep your eyes open. Another difficulty with this room is that your weapons are on the opposite wall from where you first enter the chamber, so unless you want to fight unarmed you have to get to them very quickly. Be careful not to get cornered as you will have nowhere to run from the flame strikes; choose a position that gives you lots of room to manoeuvre.
Now I'm PO'ed. I just read that you get xp from completing the various chambers. Had I know, I wouldn't have slayed everyone. Oh well, have to remember that for next time.
Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2005 7:51 am
by Charlotte
eight chambers....Last chamber...?
Had to start my game all over, and this time I cant win the last chamber (with the fire and the brass monks). I've tried averything...setting the game mode to easy, tried all my chracters... Nothing helps....
Can anybody help? Is there some buttons i can push to wint that thing? Or any comands i can give? Because i'm going crazy over this.