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Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 3:35 am
by Dyre Straits
[QUOTE=mordib]towers go up. teleporters transport you further up or down the tower. the different heights look very similar visually but if youve just used a teleporter thingy then chances are you are on a higher level of the central hall.[/QUOTE], should I then go through another door nearby or something like that? I assume if I use the same portal pad it will take me to my original location.....which, assumedly, would be back down.
Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 4:03 am
by Phreddie
I have screwed up the main quest by closing the gate at Kvatch before I talked to Jauffre.... Oops. I dont care about rescuing martin and what not, Cyrodill can burn as far as I care. My question is, Do gates spawn randomly after Kvatch, or do I need to do something in the MQ to have them start spawning, I miss the loot from kvatch, but cannot proceed in the main quest.
Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 4:36 am
by Ashen
I have screwed up the main quest by closing the gate at Kvatch before I talked to Jauffre.... Oops. I dont care about rescuing martin and what not, Cyrodill can burn as far as I care. My question is, Do gates spawn randomly after Kvatch, or do I need to do something in the MQ to have them start spawning, I miss the loot from kvatch, but cannot proceed in the main quest.[/QUOTE]
When you talk to Jauffre I believe the game should respawn the Kvatch gate, at least that is what I have been told precisely because of the MQ, not to mess it up. If you still have issues, ie it won't respawn the easiest thing to do is use the console. Do not worry about the other gates, they respawn as long as the MQ is active ie isn't finished. It is not related to Kvatch itself (as far as I know).
[QUOTE=Dyre Straits], should I then go through another door nearby or something like that? I assume if I use the same portal pad it will take me to my original location.....which, assumedly, would be back down.[/QUOTE]
Find the door that leads upwards. If I am right there should be a door marked Sanguis S... at least double S, that should lead you to the very top. If there are stairs going even further up from the main room use them. The trick is to keep going upwards but it can be a little confusing.
Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 4:46 am
by Dyre Straits
OK....I FOUND the Sigil Stone and grabbed it.....
WOW!! That was COOL!!!
Now I'm fighting off the horde in the courtyard outside the cathedral and have already talked with Martin.
Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 6:14 pm
by Babytank
I've started using the avoid all ememies tactic, I now just run past everything as fast as I can and make my way to the main tower. I do however make sure I loot all as many "the punished" or "fleshy pods" thingy's as I can.
Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 10:26 pm
by Phreddie
HAHA! Unscrewed the main quest, talking to Jauffre wouldnt respawn the gate and consoles not an option as i be 360.... Anywho, I have about two oblivion gates ready and waiting, but at level 16 with relatively crappy gear I am waiting to go in them until I get some good enchanted items, mainly my amulet of invisible healing (CE invisibility and restore as much health as possible)
Posted: Sat Apr 08, 2006 5:54 am
by Unh0lyEvil
iv close about 12 or so and there seems to be 3 different styles of them...1 is there is just 1 tower the big boy with the sigil stone the others are ones where u need to visit smaller towers to open gates to the larger towers....and 3 is the absolute craxy one where there are about 6 little towers (very confusing) and the one big one...
Posted: Sat Apr 08, 2006 7:33 am
by Ashen
6 little towers? Haven't encountered that one. But if that is so then there is the 4th type too - the one when you go through the caves/halls first in order to get to the tower portal.
Posted: Sat Apr 08, 2006 12:13 pm
by Mr.Waesel
Could you guys give me an example of the 'good loot' you are all finding? Because I just did Kvatch at level 31 and all I got were nonmagical Daedric warhammers and the like, which I can get from normal Bandits if I want to.
Posted: Sat Apr 08, 2006 5:02 pm
by Unh0lyEvil
good loot as in deadric and dremora armours, bow, and weapons...yea the one with the 6 towers or so is annoying u need to open a couple gates...then u gotta find the lowest tower bridge and cross that to the main tower....THEN u gotta go thru it all as usual and wow does it take a long time like 20 mins long and annoying...
Posted: Sun Apr 09, 2006 3:07 am
by Masa
I just run them trough and on the way checking the stashes, if there's lava I just jump through it with couple of healing potions and fire resistance.
It's worth it to have good acrobatics skill.
Went 3 gates in just 10 mins. Level is 25.
Posted: Sun Apr 09, 2006 3:43 am
by Ashen
I like taking my time, and exploring it all ... but I do everything like that. Collecting ingridients, finding stashes, killing the monsters ...
Oh about the loot, well a lot of enchanted items, most of them were rings. A lot of staffs as well - I am not counting the usual swords, etc. Funnily enough this is where I found my only second glass helmet. Enchanted too, quite nicely. Shield as well.
Then the sigil's themselves have enchanting value. I keep getting transcendent ones for some odd reasons, go only three of the other two. Bah. But it's nice.
Posted: Sun Apr 09, 2006 4:37 am
by Foss
[QUOTE=Ashen]I like taking my time, and exploring it all ... but I do everything like that. Collecting ingridients, finding stashes, killing the monsters ...
Oh about the loot, well a lot of enchanted items, most of them were rings. A lot of staffs as well - I am not counting the usual swords, etc. Funnily enough this is where I found my only second glass helmet. Enchanted too, quite nicely. Shield as well.
Then the sigil's themselves have enchanting value. I keep getting transcendent ones for some odd reasons, go only three of the other two. Bah. But it's nice.[/QUOTE]
The variations of the Sigil stones depends on your lvl. The higher lvl the better Sigil stones.
I think the transcendent ones are the highest and that you need to be lvl 17+ to get them.
Posted: Sun Apr 09, 2006 7:16 am
by Ashen
Hmmm, well funnily enough I don't like them! I mean I have something like 6 of those and not one use for it (they are all effects I already have). I am lvl 26 so that's why they're popping up I guess. Still I think I preferred the effects of some of the early ones. Oh well, maybe I'll finally find some I can use.
Posted: Sun Apr 09, 2006 7:27 am
by Foss
[QUOTE=Ashen]Hmmm, well funnily enough I don't like them! I mean I have something like 6 of those and not one use for it (they are all effects I already have). I am lvl 26 so that's why they're popping up I guess. Still I think I preferred the effects of some of the early ones. Oh well, maybe I'll finally find some I can use.[/QUOTE]
I don't think the effects change the better stones you get. I think its the magnitude and duration of the effects that change.
So, just keep looking
Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2006 7:58 pm
by Babytank
I got to the top of the tower but I couldn't click the sigil stone. What's going on? I put the cursor on the stone but no words show up at the corner, if anyone knows what's going on please help.
Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2006 2:05 pm
by Cailan
the 6 tower obliv gates are long and a bit boring.. so just jump down the levels in the central tower! you only have to go into 1 side tower that way. though you need to be careful that you dont break your legs
Posted: Fri Apr 14, 2006 5:25 am
by mordib
going back to sigil stones for a mo, it is completely random right which effects you get? does anyone know if it is possible to get either damage relect or chameleon ones as out of the many ive got theyve all been fortify or shield ones and im actually tiring of having to hunt them down..
Posted: Fri Apr 14, 2006 6:25 am
by Ashen
I think I have chameleon with one of my transcendent stones, but I'd have to go look. I think it's safe to say there probably are there, you just need to stumble upon it.
And I still haven't had any 6 little towers.
Posted: Sat Apr 15, 2006 8:19 pm
by Babytank
My question went unanswere for 5 days....
Lets try this again, I got to the sigil room in the main tower, but I was unable to click on the sigil stone. I went to other gates and the same thing happen. So are you only allowed to close a curtain amount of gates depending on you level?
I was closing them left and right but now all of a sudden I can't close them anymore. I just run around looking for something that I don't know what I'm looking for. I'm just suppose to be able to close the damn thing, this is getting very frustrating.