Posted: Fri Jun 23, 2006 4:35 am
[QUOTE=dj_venom]Hardly, since her actions didn't endager the child.[/QUOTE]It is her responsibility to teach the daughter to be safe on the internet she failed, she allowed her daughter to get in trouble.
[QUOTE=dj_venom]In actual fact they do, they may not solicit illegal practices etc., additionally they have a social responsibility to prevent such acts from occurring.[/QUOTE]In actual fact YOU are wrong. They did nothing illegal. They did nothing wrong. They have no responsiblity, neither legal nor socially. No one forced that stupid girl to post information that made her a target for that guy. No one forced her to go meet him. The girl, the guy, and the mother are all 100% responsible for the situation, Myspace has 100% no responsibility.
[QUOTE=dj_venom]I'm sure the relevant judicidial system would have a bone to pick with you there.[/QUOTE]Like I have any respect for them, when they stop looking to the rest of the world to support their policy making via the courts and the actual laws of America, talk to me about the courst.
[QUOTE=dj_venom]Already well addressed by Dottie.[/QUOTE]Yes morons who don't protect themselves from the cruelties of the world do deserve whatever fate they get, be it rape, murder, torture, loss of bodily parts, loss of property, whatever it is.
[QUOTE=dj_venom]The point of a lawyer - to represent their client and seek justice.[/QUOTE]Load of crap. The point of lawyers is to get as much money has humanely possible. They just masquerade as representators.They are scum. With the exception of public defenders, they are moronic scum. Prosecutors are the only decent ones.
[QUOTE=dj_venom]Now, if someone has been charged with a crime, surely they deserve to have representation.[/QUOTE]No. Facts presented and nothing else, no speculation, no theories, no bleeding hearts on the stand crying their wittle eyes out. If the facts say the **** is guilty, the **** goes to jail. If it later turns out he ain't, let him go, and he gets nothing for being in jail because he was given due process. Now if someone corrupted the evidence and made him look guilty he is given everything the corrputor of evidence once owned. The corruptor gets killed.
[QUOTE=dj_venom]if someone feels poorly done by, then they have a right to seek damages, and the other group has a right to defend themselves.[/QUOTE]Wrong. If someone IS, NOT FEEL, poorly done by they have a right to seek damages. But they will just have to suffer as the result of the greed of humanity. Remember the phrase about one bad apple ruining it for the rest, applies here.
[QUOTE=dj_venom]And as for the taking of the money, well that makes absolutely no sense to have someone only receive 17% of their compensation. Then to make it fair you'd have to make the compensation much more, and that would then mean the person couldn't pay, and no one would win.[/QUOTE]Your last statement is the sense you can't figure out. The point is to irradicate frivolous lawsuits, someone has to be guilty so lets sue the ones with the most money. Same as suing gun manufacturers because your baby was shot, not the gun manufacturers fault but the moronic judicial system allows it. Same for cigarette companies, judicial system allows morons to sue them even though they started smoking after the warning was put into place. There is example after example of stupid human greed stealing from companies. A frivolous lawsuit is stealing, its criminal, its immoral, its the epitome of everything wrong with the cancer plaguing the Earth.
[QUOTE=dj_venom]Yeah, well I'm interested in studying law, so I have to defend my possible future career choice. [/QUOTE]I see it now, no better than the rest. Just another money vacuum sucking the money where ever you can no matter what. God forbid you actually earn your money.
[QUOTE=Darzog]The girl didn't get what she deserved, but she was acting very stupid.[/QUOTE]How so? What a person does deserve and doesn't deserve is a direct result of their actions, sometimes it is a consequence, sometimes it is punishment, sometimes it is something good (i.e. an award). Play with a loaded gun and you shoot yourself in the foot, you got what you desereved. Save 3 people from a burning building and the city gives one of those large keys they call the key to the city, you got what you deserved. You shoot a security guard while robbing a bank and you get the death penalty, you got what you deserved. Actions have an equal opposite reaction.
[QUOTE=Darzog]And the mother is also at fault for not monitoring her child's activities (I know she can't control her completely but she can talk to her, explain the risks, etc).[/QUOTE]She may not control her completely but she can monitor and if she has any kind of sense in the tiniest bit she would have installed a program so she could block sites the daugher shouldn't be going to, and set it up where only she knows how to unblock those sites.
[QUOTE=Darzog]And she says that MySpace should be more aggressive inscreening their clients. [/QUOTE]She is a stupid ****, who wants to get money, she'll say anything.
[QUOTE=Darzog]How exactly do you prove to the internet that you are 14 years old? You have a social security number, but that is a VERY BAD way of trying to secure online age verification. You don't have a driver's license, no credit cards (I hope), most likely no passport.... so how can you verify age?[/QUOTE]Expect a new series of companies who soul responbility is to verify a person's age for a nominal yearly fee. They already have one like that for the internet porn industry, they may just branch out to stuff like Myspace. Ain't it a joyous what cancer will do for money.
[QUOTE=Darzog]And while I don't think the girl deserved this, I think that I want to say the mother got what she deserved in having to watch her daughter go through this.[/QUOTE]That isn't what the mother deserved, she deserves to be locked up, maybe have her parental rights taken away, cause she obviously doesn't know how to raise one properly.
[QUOTE=Darzog]*GRR* I hate uninvolved parents! [/QUOTE]Add stupid greedy bitch parents to that as well.
[QUOTE=dj_venom]In actual fact they do, they may not solicit illegal practices etc., additionally they have a social responsibility to prevent such acts from occurring.[/QUOTE]In actual fact YOU are wrong. They did nothing illegal. They did nothing wrong. They have no responsiblity, neither legal nor socially. No one forced that stupid girl to post information that made her a target for that guy. No one forced her to go meet him. The girl, the guy, and the mother are all 100% responsible for the situation, Myspace has 100% no responsibility.
[QUOTE=dj_venom]I'm sure the relevant judicidial system would have a bone to pick with you there.[/QUOTE]Like I have any respect for them, when they stop looking to the rest of the world to support their policy making via the courts and the actual laws of America, talk to me about the courst.
[QUOTE=dj_venom]Already well addressed by Dottie.[/QUOTE]Yes morons who don't protect themselves from the cruelties of the world do deserve whatever fate they get, be it rape, murder, torture, loss of bodily parts, loss of property, whatever it is.
[QUOTE=dj_venom]The point of a lawyer - to represent their client and seek justice.[/QUOTE]Load of crap. The point of lawyers is to get as much money has humanely possible. They just masquerade as representators.They are scum. With the exception of public defenders, they are moronic scum. Prosecutors are the only decent ones.
[QUOTE=dj_venom]Now, if someone has been charged with a crime, surely they deserve to have representation.[/QUOTE]No. Facts presented and nothing else, no speculation, no theories, no bleeding hearts on the stand crying their wittle eyes out. If the facts say the **** is guilty, the **** goes to jail. If it later turns out he ain't, let him go, and he gets nothing for being in jail because he was given due process. Now if someone corrupted the evidence and made him look guilty he is given everything the corrputor of evidence once owned. The corruptor gets killed.
[QUOTE=dj_venom]if someone feels poorly done by, then they have a right to seek damages, and the other group has a right to defend themselves.[/QUOTE]Wrong. If someone IS, NOT FEEL, poorly done by they have a right to seek damages. But they will just have to suffer as the result of the greed of humanity. Remember the phrase about one bad apple ruining it for the rest, applies here.
[QUOTE=dj_venom]And as for the taking of the money, well that makes absolutely no sense to have someone only receive 17% of their compensation. Then to make it fair you'd have to make the compensation much more, and that would then mean the person couldn't pay, and no one would win.[/QUOTE]Your last statement is the sense you can't figure out. The point is to irradicate frivolous lawsuits, someone has to be guilty so lets sue the ones with the most money. Same as suing gun manufacturers because your baby was shot, not the gun manufacturers fault but the moronic judicial system allows it. Same for cigarette companies, judicial system allows morons to sue them even though they started smoking after the warning was put into place. There is example after example of stupid human greed stealing from companies. A frivolous lawsuit is stealing, its criminal, its immoral, its the epitome of everything wrong with the cancer plaguing the Earth.
[QUOTE=dj_venom]Yeah, well I'm interested in studying law, so I have to defend my possible future career choice. [/QUOTE]I see it now, no better than the rest. Just another money vacuum sucking the money where ever you can no matter what. God forbid you actually earn your money.
[QUOTE=Darzog]The girl didn't get what she deserved, but she was acting very stupid.[/QUOTE]How so? What a person does deserve and doesn't deserve is a direct result of their actions, sometimes it is a consequence, sometimes it is punishment, sometimes it is something good (i.e. an award). Play with a loaded gun and you shoot yourself in the foot, you got what you desereved. Save 3 people from a burning building and the city gives one of those large keys they call the key to the city, you got what you deserved. You shoot a security guard while robbing a bank and you get the death penalty, you got what you deserved. Actions have an equal opposite reaction.
[QUOTE=Darzog]And the mother is also at fault for not monitoring her child's activities (I know she can't control her completely but she can talk to her, explain the risks, etc).[/QUOTE]She may not control her completely but she can monitor and if she has any kind of sense in the tiniest bit she would have installed a program so she could block sites the daugher shouldn't be going to, and set it up where only she knows how to unblock those sites.
[QUOTE=Darzog]And she says that MySpace should be more aggressive inscreening their clients. [/QUOTE]She is a stupid ****, who wants to get money, she'll say anything.
[QUOTE=Darzog]How exactly do you prove to the internet that you are 14 years old? You have a social security number, but that is a VERY BAD way of trying to secure online age verification. You don't have a driver's license, no credit cards (I hope), most likely no passport.... so how can you verify age?[/QUOTE]Expect a new series of companies who soul responbility is to verify a person's age for a nominal yearly fee. They already have one like that for the internet porn industry, they may just branch out to stuff like Myspace. Ain't it a joyous what cancer will do for money.
[QUOTE=Darzog]And while I don't think the girl deserved this, I think that I want to say the mother got what she deserved in having to watch her daughter go through this.[/QUOTE]That isn't what the mother deserved, she deserves to be locked up, maybe have her parental rights taken away, cause she obviously doesn't know how to raise one properly.
[QUOTE=Darzog]*GRR* I hate uninvolved parents! [/QUOTE]Add stupid greedy bitch parents to that as well.