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Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2001 10:36 pm
by Delacroix
Originally posted by Xyx:
<STRONG> You pretty much miss out on all high level Mage abilities except for the bonus level 7 and 8 spell.</STRONG>
I remeber making some tests with Shadow keeper. If my memory is right, to a F/M/T is impossible to get any mage special ability at all( including the bonus spells). Only fighters and thieves abilities. Why? don't know.

Maybe some shadow keeper bug, or byoware bug(much more possible), or Ivan's memory bug( pretty much possible too) .

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2001 11:26 pm
by Maharlika
Xyx says:

Whoa, no Time Stop for a triple classer, I'm afraid. Unless you knock off the XP cap. You need 9 mil XP to reach level 18 Mage and get your first level 9 spell...

Of course, that also means no level 10 spells... You pretty much miss out on all high level Mage abilities except for the bonus level 7 and 8 spell.

True enough my friend! I removed that darn xcap remover (for both SoA and ToB) and I spawned enemies for "workouts" just outside Nalia's castle for those additional xp's... :cool: one must keep in shape, you know ;)

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2001 10:36 am
by Delacroix
Originally posted by Maharlika:
[QB]Xyx says:
Of course, that also means no level 10 spells... You pretty much miss out on all high level Mage abilities except for the bonus level 7 and 8 spell.

I say that even these bonus 7 and 8 spells, are missing to the F/M/T even if you broke the cap and put your F/M/T 50/50/50 lv. But as I say i'm not certain, because I don't have the game, so I cannot test it.

English is very dificult to me. Your post mean that you have done the test with the F/M/T and conclude that I'm wrong? or you are saying that based on theoretical data?

Because theoretical you and xyx are right, the F/M/T should be able to take that bonus spells.

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2001 6:32 pm
by Maharlika
Hey Ivan,

I got my F/M/T through a lot of battles (via spawning monsters) enough for him to reach to the 20+ levels for each class. This is relatively "quickly" possible if you play solo or your party isn't a big one (two or three members only). I had Jaheira with me (to give me healing and "the strength to move on" ;) ). Therefore, your pc gets a bulk of xp's simply because they are all yours (if you play solo) or you share them with just a few members.

I was able to get hold of the high-level special abilities for the fighter and thief pools but I somehow no mage bonus abilities. :(

Nevertheless, my pc can cast 9th level spells, and that for me, is more than enough for me. ;)

If you are playing a full-sized party of 4, 5 or 6, F/M/T isn't advisable coz true enough you advance very slowly and the xp's allotted to each member becomes more limited.

Right now, I can get to use my pc with a large party... hehehehehehe ;)

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2001 10:09 pm
by Delacroix
Originally posted by Maharlika:
<STRONG>I was able to get hold of the high-level special abilities for the fighter and thief pools but I somehow no mage bonus abilities. :(

I knew it, I'm not crazy!!!
Thanks Maharlika.

But why the F/M/T don't get the mage abilities? Byoware sense of Balance! :D :D :D :D :D I'm just kidding!

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2001 6:41 pm
by Maharlika
Senor Ivan,

De nada, mi amigo! :D

Ooops wait a minute... Brazillians speak Portuguese, right? :o

I really do wonder why the mage pool is not available for F/M/T's assuming that such was made potentially possible by removing xp cap... :( for the sake of balance, perhaps?

Piece of advice, Ivan. Don't worry too much on your english. The important thing is to relay your thoughts and that your audience understand what you're talking about. :cool:


Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2001 9:42 pm
by Kellen
I think its because three classes worth of abilities wouldnt fit in the choosing window. :D

Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2001 5:10 am
by Maharlika
Ivan says:But why the F/M/T don't get the mage abilities? Byoware sense of Balance! I'm just kidding!
Hey Ivan!

Check out the ToB Forum! A CyberGod with the name of Sabre has answered your prayers! :D

Thanks again, Sabre! :cool:

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2001 12:17 am
by spork
I know Xyx advised against a Swashbuckler/Mage, but here I have to disagree. Ny first time soloing through I started with a Swashbuckler and switched to Mage at level 11. A great idea, seriously. I think it comes down to how cheesy you want to be.

If you don't mind sleeping on every corner, Xyx is right--a Berserker/Mage will do better in combat. Remember, though, that you only have five slots for "knock" and you use them up very quickly!

Also, you'll probably end up sneaking around a lot once you have the Staff of the Magi. It seems less cheesy to do this if you had some rogue in you.

I rested exactly twice before I beat Irenicus in hell, and didn't ever stand around to regenerate (although I did, when I was hurt, finish parts of some "walk around town" quests while my stolen Ring of Regeneration did its work). Because I thought it would be out of character to waste time, I was on the boat to Spellhold on day four. I unfortunately had to reload a couple of times, especially on my quest to get the Staff of the Magi. After that it was pretty easy.

My point is, a Swashbuckler/Mage is a good introduction to soloing, because she can do everything you would want your whole party to do.

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2001 1:09 am
by UserUnfriendly
Play chaotic neural and cast find familiar. you get a cat, which has some good disarm traps. the lawful neutral gets ferret, which has some good pickpocket skills. Not great in either, but better than nothing, eh?
Lots of reloads if familiar gets wasted, cause you lose con, but you can also try xyx trick of infinite extra hit points. cast familiar, do a quest that gives you an item, the familiar is bumped out, and leave. cast familar later. you get the extra hit points from the first familiar, and due to the way items decompose in the game if left in open, no problem. and you don't lose con!

Check out the faqs for familars and discriptions. My personal fav is fairy dragon, great for parties since I never ever get inv. 15 ft radius, since I only get impr inv and mass inv, both great for combat. might even frop imp inv for shadow door, since its got a faster cast time and its silly to have two inv spells for caster. But i get the fairy dragon becasue I play party and have a thief. you might also try casting luck on the ferret and cat when trying a thief skill, this should hopefully improve its chances for success.

this makes fighter mage viable, and you're better off mult rather than dual if you have tob installed. the fighter mage multi is obscene when you get picks from both pools at the higher levels. the duals rule in soa, but multis rule with tob.

imagine timestop and greater whirlwind attacks! 30+ hits and the poor target can't do a thing!

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2001 2:33 am
by Xyx
Originally posted by spork:
<STRONG>Xyx advised against a Swashbuckler/Mage</STRONG>
Nononooo! I think they're great, actually. I just think Berserker/Mage is even easier (if you don't mind sleeping often). ;)

I have four Knocks memorized (with a little help from Amulet of Meta-Spel Influence or Ring of Acuity), and some time after they run out I do indeed tend to rest... If only those damn clones could use Knock! :(