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Posted: Tue Nov 07, 2006 8:22 am
by fable
De_Priester wrote:This might be silly but try checking what your partymember his settings are on, maybe it has to do with the followdistance or speed, also when you move the mousepointer away from your character I found he starts to run nearly at the edge of the screen. One bug I found was when I switch from 1280 / 1024 to 1024 / 786 that my characters wouldn't run anymore because my mouse wouldn't go far enough. Please note that I always move by using the mousedragging option not the click and walk method.
They are all set to follow closely. As for speed, whenever I start a new play session, they run to a spot I click on. Sometime during that session, this changes, and they stop running unless I target an NPC or goodies on the ground. All individual party member settings (detect, stealth, etc) are turned off.

I'd simply do an uninstall/reinstall as Mags suggests, if the damn process didn't take forever and a day: literally more than an hour to install, close to 2 hours to patch. My CD/DVD drive is not my primary, so it's not set for speed.

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 7:22 pm
by Tearlach
Perhaps your character or save file has corrupted somewhere along the way after you have been encumbered. As no one else is having this problem, might I suggest creating another character and playing around with the run/walk whilst encumbered (and unencumbered). If it happens again on that then it might point more towards a logable bug.

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 7:31 pm
by fable
Tearlach wrote:Perhaps your character or save file has corrupted somewhere along the way after you have been encumbered.
Unlikely, because whever I load the game from the desktop, my party can run fine. It happens afterwards, and I haven't been able to trace when.
As no one else is having this problem, might I suggest creating another character and playing around with the run/walk whilst encumbered (and unencumbered). If it happens again on that then it might point more towards a logable bug.
That's a very good suggestion. I think I'll try it. Thanks!