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Posted: Sun Mar 30, 2008 7:09 pm
by Crenshinibon
But if I recall correctly, didn't the Nameless One die in the Fortress before? With Morte and Dak'kon at his side? I believe this is either a memory or the two tell him of this.

I think it's rather any death that would destroy the body causes memory loss, thus perhaps the "Game Over" message is a new incarnation. If this is the case, then the blade is a permanent solution, one which you can never rise from.

Size doesn't have much to do with strength. The three physical attributes can simply be muscles getting weaker to disuse, awkwardness in a "new" body and the "loss of a stomach" so to speak.

Posted: Sun Mar 30, 2008 7:38 pm
by Brother None
Crenshinibon wrote:Size doesn't have much to do with strength. The three physical attributes can simply be muscles getting weaker to disuse, awkwardness in a "new" body and the "loss of a stomach" so to speak.
Also, the Torment novel has this wonderful bit where his arm is sliced off and he grows a new one. Remember, TNO's body is pretty recyclable.

As Morte puts it, if we cut off TNO's head, would his head grow a new body or his body a new head?

Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2008 2:30 pm
by Thrifalas
Crenshinibon wrote:But if I recall correctly, didn't the Nameless One die in the Fortress before? With Morte and Dak'kon at his side? I believe this is either a memory or the two tell him of this.
Ah yeah, right before entering the Fortress. With some Blind Archer. They all died different deaths, I believe. But well, he could come back from that, TO hadn't killed his guides yet. :o

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 7:58 am
by Robin_Sparkles
I'm not sure about any specific explanations in game as to why this incarnation no longer loses his memories upon death, but I personally think (from certain parts of dialogue later in the game) that it's a case of the Planes themselves trying to correct a terrible mistake, as it were. Just my own personal theory...