Gentlemen iof this conveniently all-male all-SLURR jury, I rest my case.Originally posted by Georgi
Only when it actually is your fault - which conveniently covers 99% of cases
Ah, that looks more like it... *downs GIGGLE anyway, so as not to waste it, and sips E.C.h.C. daintily*
5 fillings
My point exactly
@Beldin But I was just telling you what you should expect, not actually blaming anyone at this time... Besides, I think everyone knew that anyway
Yep. It took an hour or so. It would have been more bearable if the dentist hadn't put the anaesthetic in at slightly the wrong area of my gums, but there you go.
So nice we agree. Semantics, semantics! No, you're very astute tonight, I'm no more a lady than you are. Considerably less, in my experience, though if you want confirmation I'm sure I could accomodate that somehow...
Oh yes, Mysty seems to enjoy our company when she surfaces for air from P:T. Are you saying she's no lady, or has bad taste in gentlemen?