@Minerva: nice pice of music
I don't know whether this thread is dead or not, but I hope not. I don't mind astrophysics or maths, but here are some other topics I'd like to hear your opinions about:
1. Knowledge is a time limited product, it's won and lost across time and place. To avoid lengthy philosophical discussions about the nature of knowledge, let's just conceptualise knowledge as a system of believes, shared by a culture or a society at a given time, and commonly considered "facts". (Ie "The sun orbits earth", "Evolution of the species occurs by natural selection".)
Anyway, historically, the introduction of new knowledge that contradicts fundamental believes in a society, can sometimes lead to revolutionary change in society as a whole as well as in the way we view ourselves, our role and the world around us. Examples of this in modern history would IMO be Galileo's rediscovery of the knowledge that the earth is orbiting the sun and Darwin's evolutionary theory stating that the human species descends from the apes. (I'm sorry I'm only able to use examples from the Christian European part of the world, I'm shamefully ignorant about history and development of knowledge in other parts of the world. )
In science, this kind of "breakthrough" change when a set of fundamental principles has to be replaced by new ones due to new discoveries, is called a shift of paradigm.
So, what do you think has been real paradigm shifts for man historically? And what kind of events would you imagine could induce future paradigm shifts in the way we live and perceive ourselves and the world?
(And don't give me things like "Gamebanshee shutting down" or "Flagg swearing a vow of celibacy").
Personally, I think of things like extra-terrestrial visitors, understanding of the nature of consciousness or hard evidence for existence of transcendental beings.
2. Most of you know that the complete human genome sequence was published last autumn. What do you think will be the impact of this first step toward an understanding and control of the human genes? A huge topic, but here's a more narrow question also:
Genes that control aging in the nematode C Elegans
have been found. By manipulating these genes, mutant worms that live 5 times longer than normally, can now be bred ( Lakowski B & Hekimi S. Determination of life-span in Caenorhabditis elegans by four clock genes. Science. 1996 May 17;272(5264):1010-3.)
Many researchers in genetics believe that these genes would be the same in human, or at least that age controlling genes will now be much easier to find in humans. Prolonging the human life span by genetic engineering is no longer SF, it's probably possible within 30-50 years.
What consequences, negative and positive, do you think will follow if/when the possibility to live 300-400 years will become a reality for humans?
3. What is the function (I won't ask for the nature, the moderators would probably not like that
) of religion? Why is it that virtually all known cultures in historic time has had believes about transcendent beings and dimensions? What role has religious believes played in the evolution of mankind and society?
A note: A twin and adoption study is a where a large cohort of twin pairs were compared, demonstrated a high genetic influence on religiosity (Tellegen A et al. Personality similarity in twins reared apart and together. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 1988, 54, 1031-1039). Whether the twin pairs were reared together or separated early made little difference. It also turned out that whether or not their family environment had been religious in both cases, in only one case or in no case, the similarity in religiosity was much higher for monozygotic twins than dizygotic.
Now, what do you make of that?
- A small thing bothering me at the moment: How on earth should one relate to cultured tissue? I mean, it's not an individual, but it's still living materia and should somehow be respected as such. Suggestions?
Sorry for the long post!
[ 04-15-2001: Message edited by: C Elegans ]