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Its out! - Any first impressions?

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Post by Stilgar »

I've been playing this game sometime now, and I have to say I like it.
Although it has some flaws.
Magic (what the game is about) doesnt seem to be that important i have the feeling that if I had put all my tribalmagic points into onehanded and evasion the game would be much easyer (although this is more fun)

I'm not going to repeat what is said above, but I have some other points I would like to make.
The inventory isnt very handy, it's full of quest items, and useless junk that i want to sell, you quickly lose track of what your wearing and what not, this could be better (like in BG with the paperdoll)
Also quest buildup can be a little unbalanced, I started working for thieves, and their first quests where easy. But their last I still cant finish although I'm 3levels higher then when I got it.

And last (this maybe werird) what's up with the cover?
The game has better ingame-grafix then the artwork on the cover. This isnt very appealing for people who havent heared of the game.

But overall I like the game to where I am.
I do not have the touch, nor do I have the power.
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