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Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2005 10:00 am
by fable
[QUOTE=Wrath-Of-Egg]and they are slavers.. they murder and betray.. they live in mushrooms.. fire spells..... heh heh..(if morrowind had some level of realism)[/QUOTE]
And Redoran is filled with corruption, murderers, assassins, etc. The main difference between the two is that Telvanni isn't rife with hypocrisy. Its people know what they want, and go for it. With Redoran, you have to listen to acres of noble speeches before they get around to expressing what they want, and going for it.
And what have you got against mushrooms, anyway?
Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2005 5:17 pm
by The Great Hairy
[QUOTE=Wrath-Of-Egg]Well actually.. no... Morag tong has long traditios of noble way to.. end someones day..
it is legal and as for wannabe paladin if it is legal it is right..[/QUOTE]
Absolutely not. From a Paladinic point of view just because something is enscribed as a law does not mean it is right and good. Many laws are immoral or just plain bad and wrong. And Zarustha is very much of the opinion that murder - even if "legal" - is wrong.
The Thieves Guild is still naughty. I most certainly will play a thiefly character at some point later on, so I will joint them then. But Zarustha is definitely not going to join them - and she personally can't really see the difference between the Cammora Tong and the Thieves.
Now I know for sure that you are evil. House Telvanni! Sheesh!

Not for Zarustha. Maybe a mage PC. Hmmm, now I think I'll need to create some new characters.
I'll post an update of Zar's progress tomorrow, depending on how much play-time I get tonight.
Cheers all,
Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2005 11:53 pm
by Wrath-Of-Egg
[QUOTE=fable]And Redoran is filled with corruption, murderers, assassins, etc. The main difference between the two is that Telvanni isn't rife with hypocrisy. Its people know what they want, and go for it. With Redoran, you have to listen to acres of noble speeches before they get around to expressing what they want, and going for it.
And what have you got against mushrooms, anyway?[/QUOTE]
Well i understant that House Redoran wont fit to Hack and Slash personalitys.. and you can roleplay so that things will change in your lead..
Well atleast House Redoran tries to do everyting somewhat legal.. unlike tow other great houses.. and Redoran will help its friends.. or those in need of help.. while hlaalu will just steal everything from them and telvanni uses too much moonsugar and dies..
Well my hate for mushrooms lead to my early childhood..

but still when i first saw those things and i understood what they were for.. i couldn't stop.. lough.. stupid English...

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2005 2:56 pm
by RebelousDarkElf
The Mourag Tong kills outlaws, with bounties on their heads, every time you get an assanation misson, he still says, kill with honor, or something like that. Plus, you get 500 septims for you first mission. And they are at war with a guild called the "Dark Brotherhood", they are more nobel and honorable than the fighters guild, thats for sure.
Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2005 5:22 pm
by The Great Hairy
As far as Zarustha knows, the Morag Tong are assassins, plain and simple. She won't join them.
However, I'm sure that when I start a new character (I'm planning on an amoral thiefy type), he'll join the Tong.
Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2005 10:02 am
by jopperm2
Maybe she'll realign herself when she finds out about the Camonna Tong's other affiliations.

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2005 11:49 pm
by The Great Hairy
She has heard rumours - unsubstantiated so far - that the Cammora Tong has infiltrated the Fighters Guild. If this is true, she's gunna go whack some people!
Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2005 8:58 am
by jopperm2
I'm not saying that those rumors are true, but there are many factions that are intertwined and/or allied.
Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2005 1:09 pm
by Greg.
Ask around in Balmora - i.e. latest rumours etc and follow them up.
Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2005 9:10 pm
by The Great Hairy
Yep, I've been asking around Balmora. And I just found out about how the Camonna Tong has infiltrated the Fighter's Guild! I'm off to chat to the ex-guildmaster in Alh'ruhn shortly, and see what he says. If this is the case, then I'll have to come up with some way of removing the Camonna Tong from the Fighter's Guild - since all dealings I've had with those filthy slavers have been negative, Zar needs to teach them a lesson.
Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2005 1:02 am
by Wrath-Of-Egg
Well.. one way could be finishing thiefs quild quests... i know you are roleplaying noble.. and i understand that paladins arent nicest people when talking about evil... and its forms..
But sometimes you must ally oneself with tanarri to beat even greater evil.. but still i dislike fighters quild.. well when you are going to finish fighters quild use alternative way..
Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2005 6:41 pm
by The Great Hairy
Zar is currently looking for more information. She needs to know more about what it going on. If the Cammona Tong have infiltrated the Fighter's Guild, she wants to do something about it, but first she needs to talk with Persuis (the ex-guildmaster in Alh'ruhn).
At the moment she's a little side tracked (over in Molar Mar at the moment), but she's intending to chase up some Mage Guild quests, and then complete a couple more Fighters Guild quests (ones Persuis has told her to complete, as they are bringing real criminals to justice!).
So she may end up joining the Thieves Guild after all, since they are the sworn enemies of the Cammona Tong. However she couldn't do any quests where she had to steal something from someone. We'll have to see how it all goes!
Posted: Sun Jan 23, 2005 4:45 am
by Wrath-Of-Egg
Well.. in some quest you can just get some items legally.. like buying some diamonds.. but you would need to steal... but then.. you could try always get thsoe items legally..
And you will end up blackmailing some people to free quild member.. or members.. i am not trying spoil these things.. only corrupt you...

Well what can you except from lawfull neutrall blackquard...
Well just continue playing fighters guild quests... but rememeber to do some ''fire eye'' quest too... those things will give you some decent items..
Posted: Sun Jan 23, 2005 4:38 pm
by Greg.
[QUOTE=Wrath-Of-Egg]Well.. one way could be finishing thiefs quild quests... [/QUOTE]
I think Zarthusa got the codebook so cant join theives - larrius at moonmoth is only anti-Tong she can get
Posted: Sun Jan 23, 2005 4:46 pm
by oozae
Well... Zarustha can get the nerano manor or hlaalu manor or whatever key from a commona tong savant. The legion champion in fort Moonmoth sends you to kill all commona tongs in the council club. And you can buy a vintage brandy somewhere. Or get it from a bandits cave.