Anyway, Zarustha the Argonian Knight managed to get the following in the past day or so:
a) She's now Level 3! W00t! ph3Ar h3r m4d sk1llz!
b) She's currently in Peladain (I think) after wandering about a bit.
c) I've managed to kit her out in Imperial Plate for the most part, although she can't wear a helmet, and so is wearing a yellow Santa's cap (that's what it looks like, anyway).
d) Steel battleaxes are nice. "Whack! Come back here, rat! Whack!"
I wandered about Seyda Neen a bit, found the merchant, noticed a lot of people talking about some dead Tax Collector. Wandered about until I found his body, returned to Whats-His-Name, who asked me to track down the killer... Killed the killer for being a Bad Person. Found a cave, freed some slaves, had a hard fight with a mage who kept hitting me with some fire spell. Found a steel battleaxe!
Thence to Balmora. Joined the Fighter's Guild and the Mage Guild. Killed the Egg poachers. Found Caius, joined the Blades. Spoke with the Dwemer quest guy (but I'll leave that for a little while). Kept finding nice stuff in chests, spending money on training and gear. Found fungus and flowers for the Mage tiger-girl person (along with placing the fake soul gem, buying a bowl and finding her reports - sheesh!).
Went wandering and found some woman who wanted to get to the Fields of Kummu - took her there. Found some guy whose "friend" had got lost. Found the friend. Got jumped by some "Dark Assassin" guy, who was wearing some really nice armour. And then wandered about until I came into Peladain (I think it's called that, anyway).
Phew! There is a lot to this game, let me tell you. But I'm sure you chaps all know that already.
Oh, I'm not joining the Thieves Guild, as Zarustha is a Knight. That is, I'm roleplaying her as per a DnD Paladin. So no stealing from people or anything.