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Zarustha's Progress

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The Great Hairy
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Zarustha's Progress

Post by The Great Hairy »

Curse this dumb, stupid game. Curse it to Hell! Had me up until 3am last night. "Just five more minutes. I'll just go over here and kill this guy I'm meant to whack... Ooooh, look at that! I can sell that and buy that armour I want... Hey, where does this path go? What's over that hill?" Curse, curse, curse! :D :D :D

Anyway, Zarustha the Argonian Knight managed to get the following in the past day or so:

a) She's now Level 3! W00t! ph3Ar h3r m4d sk1llz! :p
b) She's currently in Peladain (I think) after wandering about a bit.
c) I've managed to kit her out in Imperial Plate for the most part, although she can't wear a helmet, and so is wearing a yellow Santa's cap (that's what it looks like, anyway).
d) Steel battleaxes are nice. "Whack! Come back here, rat! Whack!" :)

I wandered about Seyda Neen a bit, found the merchant, noticed a lot of people talking about some dead Tax Collector. Wandered about until I found his body, returned to Whats-His-Name, who asked me to track down the killer... Killed the killer for being a Bad Person. Found a cave, freed some slaves, had a hard fight with a mage who kept hitting me with some fire spell. Found a steel battleaxe! :) Oh, and this dude fell out of the sky nearly on top of me! I was laughing so hard I nearly woke the wife when that happened.

Thence to Balmora. Joined the Fighter's Guild and the Mage Guild. Killed the Egg poachers. Found Caius, joined the Blades. Spoke with the Dwemer quest guy (but I'll leave that for a little while). Kept finding nice stuff in chests, spending money on training and gear. Found fungus and flowers for the Mage tiger-girl person (along with placing the fake soul gem, buying a bowl and finding her reports - sheesh!).

Went wandering and found some woman who wanted to get to the Fields of Kummu - took her there. Found some guy whose "friend" had got lost. Found the friend. Got jumped by some "Dark Assassin" guy, who was wearing some really nice armour. And then wandered about until I came into Peladain (I think it's called that, anyway).

Phew! There is a lot to this game, let me tell you. But I'm sure you chaps all know that already. :)

Oh, I'm not joining the Thieves Guild, as Zarustha is a Knight. That is, I'm roleplaying her as per a DnD Paladin. So no stealing from people or anything.

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Post by Ideal Maxima »

hmmm... you know the guy that almost hit you? check his body, and you should find a few Scrolls of Icaron Flight (or something like that) When you use one, you go flying into the air like 50,000 ft. :eek: But the hard part is landing... most of the time you'll end up like the guy you found the scrolls on. If you read his diary, it'll explain more about him and the scrolls.

(spoiler in black)
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Post by The Great Hairy »

Yeah, I stripped his body and grabbed his book. After reading his diary, I was not going to read those scrolls! I'm still carrying them around for the time being. Not sure if they will be useful. :)

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Post by Ideal Maxima »

[QUOTE=The Great Hairy]Yeah, I stripped his body and grabbed his book. After reading his diary, I was not going to read those scrolls! I'm still carrying them around for the time being. Not sure if they will be useful. :)


umm, i can tell you're new to the game, am i wrong :p

You don't read a scroll, dude.
You use them. To use a scroll, you go to the magicka menu (The screen with all your spells) Your scrolls should be included as one of the spells. Just equip the scroll, and cast it. But be careful, scrolls can be used only once, and then they disappear.

I hope you enjoy Morrowind as much as I do, and I hope I helped.
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Post by Eric V »

hey great hairy whatz up. well if u like rpg's this is the best to me, huge game ,do all the side quests have fun. i play on xbox u have any questions just ask us l8er
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Post by Wrath-Of-Egg »

Well that city is Pelagiad.. but your way to say that is close enough..

But as for your knight.. you should join House Redoran.. It woudl fit quite well for knight... becuse they try to be noble and honorable and other things like that..

Great Houses in Morrowind are pretty much like ones in Underdark..(not part of this game even that there is one plugin but i am not sure is it finished)

you can join House Redoran in Ald Ruhn..

Have fun playing..

How can you say no to this face? :D

But seriusly.. Party without Bard is not party...

I can understand that SYM forum.. mentally 6 year old people is just running around with scissors on their hand.

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Post by dragon wench »

@Great Hairy,
lol! the game can be quite addictive can't it? :D It gets even worse once yu start messing about with the many mods out there :o

If you rescued the one guy's friend near the Fields of Kummu, did that involve mating Kagouti by any chance? (very minor spoiler - highlight) If so.... a certain amulet you get as a reward can be quite useful... if you want to try out those scrolls of Icarian flight... make sure you save first though ;)
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Post by fable »

Heh. And you're just at the beginning. There's a huge area to explore. Just do what you're doing, investingating whatever interests you. That way, you can make the experience last, and enjoy things to their fullest. :)
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Post by Ares2382 »

And in case you thought all that stuff was fun..... just wait till you discover the other 90% of the game :D
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Post by moltovir »

The first 10% is the most fun part of the game. I remember my first thunderstorm, I kept staring at the lightning for at least half an hour. Let's hope Oblivion makes the first 10% as huge as morrowind is now, with lots of complicated things to learn and lots of small funny things to discover :)
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Post by lifeishell91 »

Like Meteor Slime inside a plant named after one of the princes of England, that's all the hint you'll get TGH ;)
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Post by The Great Hairy »

Cheers everyone! Thanks for the info. :)

@Dragon wench
Mating Kagouti? Is that what those huge, many teethed beasties were? Yep, I whacked them. With my axe. :) And I got the Amulet of Slow Falling (I think it's called that). Too nervous to try the scroll and thence the amulet. Maybe later, when I have a *lot* more hit points. ;)

Ah! Thanks! I was wondering which Great House to join. Although the Hlaala dudes really didn't want to talk with me. I've not found House Redoran, but hopefully they won't be as annoying as the Hlaala.

@Ideal Maxima
Yep, cheers for that. :)

@everyone else
Thanks all. I will certainly ask if I run into trouble.

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Post by Ideal Maxima »

ehh... you mean Hlaalu?

House Redoran's main hall is in Ald' Ruhn
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Post by The Great Hairy »

Er, yeah, Hlaalu. That's what I meant. :) I haven't got up to Ald' Ruhn as yet. Still lost in Vivic!

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Post by Darth Potato »

2 get out of vivec just go north and u wil soon b out
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Post by Wrath-Of-Egg »

Well as for joinig hosue Redoran.. go to that big ''shell'' in Ald Runh.. it is biggest building in the game.. Well if you count underground manors... but still something some sort same size as those cantons in Vivec..

How can you say no to this face? :D

But seriusly.. Party without Bard is not party...

I can understand that SYM forum.. mentally 6 year old people is just running around with scissors on their hand.

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Post by jopperm2 »

Redoran is a cool house for a Knight, but if you want to fight slavery Hlaalu get's into some of that.
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Post by dairy »

welcome to morrowind! its a great game with tonnes of chances to explore. one of the greatest parts of this game is the can choose when you want to do quests, when you want to explore etc. the only tip i have for you is to save you game often, especially before killing someone. the first time i played i went several hours without saving and then killed someone that i needed to talk to later. D'OH!
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Post by The Great Hairy »

[QUOTE=jopperm2]Redoran is a cool house for a Knight, but if you want to fight slavery Hlaalu get's into some of that.[/QUOTE]

Do you mean House Hlaalu supports slavery, or is against it? I'd rather join up with a House that is against it. What about House Telvanni? What are they like? From what I have seen so far (which is not much) they are mostly a magical based House.

I'm been very careful about whom I kill. I certainly don't want to knock off the wrong person. And I save very often. :)

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Post by jopperm2 »

They are against slavery as is most of the rest of the Empire. Morrowind is the only province that allows it. There are a few missions in HOuse Hlaalu that deal with abolitionism. Other high-level Hlaalu are slave owners though. Telvani is very much pro-slavery. Most slave markets are in Telvanni lands. They are Somewhat evil, isolationist, wizards. :D
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