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Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 5:01 pm
by Bloodstalker
A few clarifying questions before I answer...
1. Is the victim female?
2. Is she attractive?
3. Did the attacker pay said female for the right to beat her in advance?(on certain streets, it would be highly likely)
4. How grateful can I expect said female to ba after the fact?
Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 5:05 pm
by Denethorn
4. How grateful can I expect said female to ba after the fact?[/QUOTE]
So that she falls into your arms, leads you back to her penthouse suite and asks to marry you.
NB: filthy rich father.
Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 5:09 pm
by Bloodstalker
Marriage? She's on her own man.

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 5:13 pm
by Magrus
Ha, I've missed your commentary BS. Thank you for being around on this night. Makes things better.
1. Sometimes
2. I've had a few
very attractive ones aye.
3. Nope, definately not.
4. Well, one time, one time, said victim allowed me to probe the great unknown afterwards. Is that grateful enough?
Marriage? BAH! Handcuffs and lube don't work for you?

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 5:18 pm
by Bloodstalker
In that case, then yes, I would likely help.
I will also help on the off chance that if it's a male, he may have a very appreciative sister somewhere.
Such are the foundations of good deeds.
RE: handcuffs, yes, I would also lend a hand if there was a reasonable chance of an attractive lady cop manhandling me while they cuffed and dragged me downtown.
Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 5:27 pm
by Magrus
Ha ha ha...being cuffed by police may make the blood pressure rise by I must say isn't "exciting" in that manner. I assure you.
My landlady says I reek of booze. Well, so be it. I've got about 16 shots in me already.
Ah memories. Booty is a man's best friend. *nods*
Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 5:50 pm
by winter rose
[QUOTE=Magrus]Would you go out of your way, and risk harm to stop a violent situation that you say while going about your daily life?
If a situation came up where you were walking down the road, heard screaming, and saw someone on the side of the road being mercilessly beaten by another person, what would you do?[/QUOTE]
I am not quite sure. I have never encountered such a situation so no diea what I would do if it ever happened to me.
I would probably go for help, and if the other person really needed me, I would look for some sort of weapon not to use but maybe threaten them. I've had to break up a couple of fights between guys, and trust me it was not easy. The fact that they are so big is a bit nerve wracking - to say the least.
Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 5:57 pm
by Erenor
[QUOTE=melegaunt]I figure most people would like to think they would.. in such a Hypothetical situation.
Very few people though actually have. I have a scar down my forarm to prove i would. Next time tho ill remember that even a metal bar can cut.. lol and dont block with your arms! Cause it hurts like hell! Its all right tho.. he got his...[/QUOTE]
Blocking with your arms is better than blocking with your skull or your twig and berries, friend.
Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 5:58 pm
by Magrus
You showed up WR! I've been wondering where you and Fas have been. Dissapearing and leaving everyone missing you two and such. *sniffles*
I have to admit, even being a fairly large guy, it can be quite intimidating jumping in there and demanding people who are fighting to stop. I'd just rather live with whatever consequences I can think of with that action than letting some person be attacked and helpless with the situation.
Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 6:02 pm
by winter rose
Hey Magrus how are you doing? Hows your summer going? Well Fas has been busy with work, I have been around , the past few weeks have just been really busy. And I wasn't feeling too great either. But yeah we missed you all too.
Well I wouldn't jump in the middle of a bunch of guys because Im a female - and not a big one at that. I might end up dead if I threw caution to the wind and just jumped in.

But I would definately
try in some way to help.
Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 6:15 pm
by Magrus
Eh....tonight, is a very bad night for me.

Good to know you two have just been busy though, busy is good sometimes. Keeps you from worrying and being anxious.
My ex Cassie is the only girl I've known to jump into a fight and came out on top every time. The girl was the epitome of a spit-fire woman. The few guys who got grabby with her truly, thoroughly regretted doing so afterwards. I'd be in shock if they were still able to bear children, which would be a sad day for society as a whole if they were able to.
Female's just generally are herded away from activites that promote self-defense and such. I find that sad. A lot of guys find that unnatractive and intimidating for some reason. Now, I won't find myself to a muscle bound woman, yet someone who can take care of herself, most definately. Why it is that in a lot of areas a girl who can hold her own in most situation's is looked upon as intimidating and a freak is beyond me.
There was a girl who was the daughter of a Judo instructor at my school who caught no end of trouble with her peers for it. She could plant anyone who came after her on their rear and too stunned to move. She never hurt anyone, simply tossed them and left them confused and disoriented while she swiftly left the area. Very wonderful, bright young woman I must say so myself. I wouldn't mind seeing to it every young lady was tought the basic's of such a martial are, for simple safety reason's. Most father's teach their son's to fight, yet, what about the girl's you know?
Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 6:25 pm
by winter rose
Well busy can be good - not always though. You are right... it keeps one from worrying and thinking too much.
Well I have wrestled and fought (physically) a lot with my bros. We still do. And both of them work out (a lot) and are strong and built. But we dont fight seriously, we kid around. Yet even doing that, it still surprises me how strong they are.
I have taken a few karate lessons, nothing serious. I could probably fight a guy off for awhile, but I know from wreslting with my bros - that in the end I would lose. I guess I need more defense classes!!!
Actually my bros have given me self defense classes too! One of them took karate classes himself - and knows a lot about it. So he did teach me all the "soft spots" to aim for on a guy - but I dont think I remember all the details.
ps why is it a bad night for you? Everything alright? Im a bit down myself, but alas that cant be helped.
Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 6:33 pm
by Magrus
If you feel like going through the last 2 pages of my college thread, it's in there.
That's good your brother's have taught you a bit about defending yourself. Most people have the impression if a girl has brother's they'll be able to protect her. Ha, from what I've experienced, most girls have their fun far, far away from their protective brother's.
Not that a girl can't defend herself any worse than a guy can. I mean, half the times I've broken up fights have been guys being attacked. Chances are, in an even fight, a smart girl who isn't too afraid to act can best a guy. The problem is, most girl's are frightened and don't do anything until things become desperate.

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 6:39 pm
by winter rose
Pass me the link, I will check it out. I hope it is nothing serious and that it all works out.
Yup true women can defend themselves. But it is also true that we women are at a disadvantage because we are smaller. However, I know that those self defense classes teach you to take a man down, no matter how big he is! But again one guy maybe a woman can handle, but more - I have my doubts. Physically, they are usually stronger.
I have to leave for supper. G'night and dont worry about anything Magrus.
Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 6:45 pm
by Magrus
That should do it for an explination.
More than one, anyone has a hard time with, female or male. I've only successfully taken on more than one person in a fight a handful of times and I've had to fight very nasty and dirty each time.
Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 11:38 pm
by Erenor
That's the only sure way to win, Mag. Why jump in if you're guarenteed to get your ass kicked for your trouble. Hence the bricks you use and the golf club I've used, etc. When you're outnumbered, do what you must to stay out of the hospital as anything but a witness.
Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 11:46 pm
by Magrus
Exactly. I'm all about the whole one-on-one confrontation. If that doesn't go down, your standard "rules of engagement" don't apply and anything handy becomes a weapon to cut down on numbers as swiftly as possible.
Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 11:48 pm
by Erenor
Yeah, but if I get jumped by more than a few guys and I take the first few down so I'm down to one, I don't really feel merciful and put down said weapon. I keep at it until they're all down and out for the count. I don't tend to be in the best of moods, y'know?
Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 11:52 pm
by Magrus
So true, so true. That last guy tends to be realllly squimish when surrounded by unconscious buddies and faced off against you alone as well. I've had
quite the violent past looking back on things. I deserve a few years to hide in a room and avoid such things and get some peace and quiet. No wonder I've avoided public the past few months.

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 11:55 pm
by Erenor
I almost always avoid public ****. Neighborhood bar is a different story, but most of the time I see people is at my pad or somebody else's. Less dealing with bull**** and the girls are nicer for the most part. I have the unique problem of always dating friends and getting in trouble with them later. I drove around two hours tonight with an ex of mine and that was ****ing weird. She kept asking what I wanted out of life. I thought she was gonna kiss me or something and try to start things back up, but she doesn't have the balls for it, I don't think. Very strange evening for being fairly sober.