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Posted: Sun Apr 16, 2006 2:39 am
by suspect20
So is there a set number of gates and they just spawn in random locations? Or do the gates continuously keep spawning and there is no end. The first one was fun, and id enjoy exploring a few more. But it kind of seems pointless to me if there is no real quest end.

I noticed after finishing the kvatch one people randomly mention the hero that closed that portal in conversations. Does closeing additional portals have any effect on conversations or the game world at all, or do they just keep spawning?

Posted: Sun Apr 16, 2006 4:23 am
by Ashen
[QUOTE=Babytank]My question went unanswere for 5 days....

Lets try this again, I got to the sigil room in the main tower, but I was unable to click on the sigil stone. I went to other gates and the same thing happen. So are you only allowed to close a curtain amount of gates depending on you level?

Hmm, no that is not supposed to happen, ie you can close as many of them as you like. I think you have encountered a bug, I even remember reading about something similar a while ago. Let me look around ok?

[QUOTE=suspect20]So is there a set number of gates and they just spawn in random locations? Or do the gates continuously keep spawning and there is no end. The first one was fun, and id enjoy exploring a few more. But it kind of seems pointless to me if there is no real quest end.

I noticed after finishing the kvatch one people randomly mention the hero that closed that portal in conversations. Does closeing additional portals have any effect on conversations or the game world at all, or do they just keep spawning?[/Quote]

There is no set number of Gates. Those that spawn randomly after the Kvatch one is closed will respawn again after you close them. They are fun, I think I got my 4th type last night actually though I am missing the 6 towers one people are talking about. The sigils are very very good loot, plus I've picked up tons of great armor there.

And no, closing the additional portals does not affect the conversation but your fame goes up one point for each Gate closed, which is important considering it is required for certain quests. And of course they do play a further role in the MQ, let us not forget that.

Oh and of course, after you finish the MQ no more Gates, so be careful about it considering the alchemy ingridients there and sigils.

Posted: Sun Apr 16, 2006 4:47 am
by Ashen
Babytank - please tell me you are not on the 360 ... apparently it is a bug, a few people have had it and alas, there's nothing you can do about it. You need to be able to close them (I am guessing you have not done the Bruma one for the MQ) but we can try and cheat our way through this if you're on the PC. If you're not I can't find any solutions, except those of loading a previous save. Gah.

EDIT: Oh and a totally silly question - you sure you can carry the sigil? Cast feather on yourself before you go for it.

Posted: Sun Apr 16, 2006 8:32 pm
by Babytank
[QUOTE=Ashen]Babytank - please tell me you are not on the 360 ... apparently it is a bug, a few people have had it and alas, there's nothing you can do about it. You need to be able to close them (I am guessing you have not done the Bruma one for the MQ) but we can try and cheat our way through this if you're on the PC. If you're not I can't find any solutions, except those of loading a previous save. Gah.

EDIT: Oh and a totally silly question - you sure you can carry the sigil? Cast feather on yourself before you go for it.[/QUOTE]
Yeah I'm on the 360, I think I did do the gate next to Bruma. I went in with a bunch of Bruma gaurds. I only keep two saves, one auto and one I do myself. So are you saying I can't close anymore gates and I can't complete the game? Would this bug go away if I started a new game or something? that would suck cuz I'm level 25 right now.

Posted: Mon Apr 17, 2006 3:45 am
by Ashen
Well I am not sure. Let me put it this way - apparently there is a quest in the MQ line, where you tag along with some guy to show him how to close the gates , you need to do this but if you have already finished this, perhaps you can go on with the MQ. I have no idea though what else is in store since I have just started the MQ.

This bug seems to bother the 360 people, from what I've seen on the official forums. Sometimes you can even get 3 to 4 stones instead of one, but it's all the same bug. Of course, if you restart the whole game there is notihng to guarantee you that it won't happen again.

I am not sure I can give any reasonable advice here. I know I'd be mightily ticked off if it were me.