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Posted: Fri Jun 23, 2006 2:53 pm
by Luis Antonio
The Exile Revan, will you stop the insults? This is not really on topic, and you give no reason for anything you say. And you're avoiding the filter.
Posted: Fri Jun 23, 2006 3:00 pm
by JonIrenicus
@Exile Revan
You must really like drama
Your last post you really showed your "wits" and "intelligence" and you didn't even reply to my reply to you
Posted: Fri Jun 23, 2006 3:14 pm
by The Exile Revan
[QUOTE=Luis Antonio]And you're avoiding the filter.[/QUOTE]No I am not. Whoever programmed the filter was a failure. To avoid the filter I would have to actually try do to so by bolding, italicizing, increasing the size of portions of the word, which I have not done at all. Pay attention.
[QUOTE=JonIrenicus]you didn't even reply to my reply to you
[/QUOTE]So? Not going to.
Posted: Fri Jun 23, 2006 3:17 pm
by Chimaera182
[QUOTE=JonIrenicus]You know how you can say "NO!" to bullies as much as you like, but all they understand is physical language. Sometimes you just have to phycially say no for them to understand (like any animal or dog). If all else fails buy a taser :laugh:[/QUOTE]
Sometimes, even translating into the physical "no" of which you speak doesn't even work. A girl could try and fight off a guy, smack him, punch and kick him, and whatever, and she'll be beaten until she's black and blue and still be raped. I'm not saying she should just lie down and take it, but you can't always stop an animal with physical violence. Smack a rottweiler after it bites you, and see if that makes it stop.
[QUOTE=mr_sir]It is also not the girl's fault as she was taken advantage of by a sick, twisted man. The only one who is responsible is the man that sexually abused her and the only deterrant for that is to make sentences a lot harsher for stuff like that. I don't know what the laws are like in the US but not long ago, here in the UK, a man was given only 6 years for abducting and raping a 3 year old kid. That is the problem. He will be out on parole in 3 years. He should be given a life sentence for something like that as 3 years in prison is hardly a deterrant to someone like that. 25 years in prison and not put in a special wing for his own safety would be more of a deterrant as his life in prison would be pure hell after committing a crime like that and being put in the main prison wing.[/QUOTE]
I'm going to have to go out on a limb here by my lonesome and defend this guy, even though I need to state right now I'm not at all condoning what he did.
Someone who sexually abuses children and young teens is not right in the head. Either due to a chemical imbalance or malformation causing irregular behavior and urges (nature) or issues s/he experienced growing up that made them like this (nurture) are the result of such predators. To punish them severely for something that is not at all under their control is on the same level as punishing someone just because they have a little bit more pigment in their skin. Yes, what they've done is horribly tragic and considered quite sick and depraved, but the fact of the matter is that you're suggesting jailing someone for life for what could be little more than a chemical imbalance. If society would get off its high horse and remove the stigma attached to such sexual predators as sick and depraved individuals, and make them into what they truly are--people in need of help and compassion--then people who feel attracted to children might be more willing to come out into the open to get the help they need. But instead, we treat them as monsters, and as a result, they act like monsters, hiding in the bushes or under beds waiting to snatch little children. Creating harsher laws to inflict such unfair punishment is going to create more problems instead of provide a solution. It's like the arguement for the death penalty: proponents say the harsh punishment deters crime, and yet has it really? (I'm not trying to start a debate on the death penalty, so just take the example for what it is.) And the fact that there is even debate on whether the death penalty even deters crime or not should prove it may not be as effective as some might like to believe. To propose to treat sex offenders such as this guy with such harsh, crude measures is about as likely to deter others like him as the death penalty deters murderers.
[QUOTE=Lestat]In case A, the owners of the public space carry as much responsibility as myspace, but nobody in his right mind is going to sue a bar owner if they met a person in that bar that was later to sexually assault them. So I don't see why myspace should be sued.
As far as case B goes: sorry, but if I'm gonna meet any of you IRL for the first time, it will be in a public space and/or accompanied, for your sake and my sake.
As another aside: would they sue the mail service if this had happened after a mail correspondence, which would have been just as likely? I think that internet services provide even more supervision & screening in these kind of situations than other ways of communication (mail, e-mail,...). This is of course counterbalanced by the fact that they also multiply the possible contacts. If this wasn't the internet, this case would be seen for what it is: ridiculous (note that I'm talking about the sueing of myspace, not about the sexual assault).[/QUOTE]
Very true. After all, how many people get raped after spending a few hours in a pub/bar getting good and sauced? Is it the bartenders' or the owners' fault that person got raped? Not at all. Is it the patron in question's fault that he or she got raped while in a weakened and drunken state? At some point, personal responsibility does come into play, as they should have at least had the presence of mind not to get completely wasted out in public where such a thing could occur, but that still doesn't make it their fault. To accuse MySpace in the same light, as you said, is ridiculous, just as much as it would be to sue the wherever in public it was these two might have hung out.
As far as case B is concerned, yes, they should have met in a public place, and she shouldn't have been alone with him at any time. I personally have met several people I've met online, and each time I know for a fact that something like this could quite possibly happen, but it's my choice to go through with it all the same. But I'm 24. This girl is a decade and a good deal less experienced than I am, and the fact is that a lot of people that age are not prepared for such an encounter. Some have pointed out that teens like to consider themselves as independent and able to take care of themselves, but that is a small part of the issue. They just aren't at all prepared for what the real world holds, with its inequal balance of joys and dangers, so the possibility that this could even occur probably never even entered into the girl's mind. And in any case, it is most likely not the fault of the parents, as the girl was undoubtedly inundated with the "don't talk to strangers" lectures and movies most of us were as kids, both from parents and at school. To blame the mother, who probably had this in mind, is unfair; she may have done her part to teach her daughter to be careful, and her school had certainly done its part, as well. And as Darzog said, it's not possible for parents to monitor everything their child does. It is entirely possible the mother actually did what she felt necessary to ensure her child would know better, but the daughter did it anyway (like I said in an earlier post, the allure of being popular is extremely strong in U.S. schools, and a girl netting a football player is practically the highest "honor" a girl such as her can achieve; such thinking can override common sense).
The part that makes the whole situation into a debacle is how the mother handled this. Rather than seek justice against the man in question, she is taking advantage of the situation to suit her own wants. To seek suitable damages for the trauma visited on her and her daughter is one thing; to demand restitution from MySpace for something that was not only completely out of their hands but could be easily achieved on any of a number of online chats/forums/groups as well as anywhere in the real world is wrong. This demeans her daughter in a way not equal to but almost as terrible as the rape itself, as her whole life has been transformed into a circus display. The humiliation she has to go through right now is going to haunt her the rest of her life, as will the assault. Maybe the mother should be sued next for damages, considering the pain she is now putting her daughter through.
Posted: Fri Jun 23, 2006 3:18 pm
by Luis Antonio
[QUOTE=The Exile Revan]No I am not. Whoever programmed the filter was a failure. To avoid the filter I would have to actually try do to so by bolding, italicizing, increasing the size of portions of the word, which I have not done at all. Pay attention.
So? Not going to.[/QUOTE]
Yet another troll. Get in the line in the steam forums. You'll have more attention there.
Posted: Fri Jun 23, 2006 3:20 pm
by The Exile Revan
[QUOTE=Luis Antonio]Yet another troll. Get in the line in the steam forums. You'll have more attention there.
[/QUOTE]So glad to see you actually pay attention you make a shinning example to all mods everywhere.
If the word damn doesn't get filtered, the filter programmer is a screw up. Fix the problem don't bitch to me.
Posted: Fri Jun 23, 2006 3:26 pm
by Luis Antonio
[QUOTE=The Exile Revan]So glad to see you actually pay attention you make a shinning example to all mods everywhere.
If the word damn doesn't get filtered, the filter programmer is a screw up. Fix the problem don't bitch to me.[/QUOTE]
Give me one good reason to read your full post with attention, TER. There it is, a shiny example for us all. Of what not to do. If you're about to flame someone, you could at least have had the
sense to keep on topic.
Posted: Fri Jun 23, 2006 3:28 pm
by dragon wench
[QUOTE=Luis Antonio]Yet another troll. Get in the line in the steam forums. You'll have more attention there.
Don't worry Luis, we both know how GB deals with impotent little drama queens....
Posted: Fri Jun 23, 2006 3:31 pm
by shana
Why do people join forums just to insult the members??????
Buy a punching bag! Make a friend! Get a life!
Posted: Fri Jun 23, 2006 3:35 pm
by Fallenhero
[QUOTE=The Exile Revan]
Its all about Liberal (aka Communist) Judges who want to make policy from the bench, they use the everyone in Europe is doing it approach to justify making rulings that have absolutely no basis on American law.
I knew some Liberal Swine was going to play racist card. Hello fool, morons are stupid because they choose to be, RETARDS are born that way. Learn your facts ****.
The Exile Revan
How many Republicans have been President in the US in the last 50 or so years, at least half right. Since the Prez appoints judges not all can be Commies. Right. The Supreme Court, has in my opinion (I'm a leftist superswine I guess) a center right majority though alliances shift depending on the issue.
The right to sue is very important. I don't think My Space is responsible and I doubt her mother's case will be successful but the right has to be there or the little guy will get screwed. Without the threat of lawsuits corporations that pollute or make faulty products would get away with more than they do today. Lawyers don't sue, people do. People try to get something for nothing (what could be more American) and lawyers are only too glad to help. Frivolous lawsuits are a problem but things would be worse if corporations were given even more legal protections.
Posted: Fri Jun 23, 2006 3:42 pm
by The Exile Revan
[QUOTE=Luis Antonio]Give me one good reason to read your full post with attention, TER.[/QUOTE]I won't give you a reason to, do whatever the flying **** you want. I don't care what you do.
[QUOTE=Fallenhero]The right to sue is very important.[/QUOTE]It has the same importantace as the 'right' to your very own private pool.
[QUOTE=Fallenhero]Without the threat of lawsuits corporations that pollute or make faulty products would get away with more than they do today.[/QUOTE]Not as much as you think.
[QUOTE=Fallenhero]Lawyers don't sue, people do.[/QUOTE]Lawyers due the suing they just have to have a reason, the client provides the reason. No lawyer no lawsuit. Unless you can name one lawsuit initiated and went to trial without a lawyer.
[QUOTE=Fallenhero]People try to get something for nothing (what could be more American)[/QUOTE]Not American, pure human nature.
[QUOTE=Fallenhero]Frivolous lawsuits are a problem but things would be worse if corporations were given even more legal protections.[/QUOTE]Not really.
Posted: Fri Jun 23, 2006 3:45 pm
by Luis Antonio
[QUOTE=The Exile Revan]I won't give you a reason to, do whatever the flying **** you want. I don't care what you do.[/QUOTE]
I suspect you're darth potato. hehehe...
Edit - Though your English is better.
Posted: Fri Jun 23, 2006 3:50 pm
by The Exile Revan
[QUOTE=Luis Antonio]I suspect you're darth potato. hehehe...[/QUOTE]Very funny, you should quit your day job and hit the comedy circuit.
Posted: Fri Jun 23, 2006 3:52 pm
by JonIrenicus
[QUOTE=The Exile Revan]So? Not going to.[/QUOTE]
I know you weren't going to. Thanks for proving my point
Posted: Fri Jun 23, 2006 3:54 pm
by Luis Antonio
[QUOTE=The Exile Revan]Very funny, you should quit your day job and hit the comedy circuit.[/QUOTE]
And you should wash your mouth...
Posted: Fri Jun 23, 2006 3:54 pm
by Chimaera182
How is any of this on topic?
Posted: Fri Jun 23, 2006 3:56 pm
by shana
Its not, but its very entertaining!!
Fiona will have to start a new thread, I'm afraid.
Posted: Fri Jun 23, 2006 4:00 pm
by Darzog
I understand the point you are trying to make, but I still disagree. Yes, sexual predators need help, but that doesn't mean they deserve compassion. People that deserve compassion are people that have a problem that impacts them in a negative way. People who's issues cause them to harm others (sexual predators, sociopaths, etc.) do not deserve compassion unless they are actively trying to get help and not act out.
And to be honest I don't put this on the same level as a grown man abusing a child. The guy is 19, the girl is 14. That is within a couple of years of being legal n some states. I see the issue here as the rape, so I think there is absolutely no reason for any compassion for this guy. Someone who is truely sick is one thing, but this is just a horny guy.
Posted: Fri Jun 23, 2006 4:04 pm
by dragon wench
I understand the point you are trying to make, but I still disagree. Yes, sexual predators need help, but that doesn't mean they deserve compassion. People that deserve compassion are people that have a problem that impacts them in a negative way. People who's issues cause them to harm others (sexual predators, sociopaths, etc.) do not deserve compassion unless they are actively trying to get help and not act out.
And to be honest I don't put this on the same level as a grown man abusing a child. The guy is 19, the girl is 14. That is within a couple of years of being legal n some states. I see the issue here as the rape, so I think there is absolutely no reason for any compassion for this guy. Someone who is truely sick is one thing, but this is just a horny guy.[/QUOTE]
You just beat me to it. I really do not think this is a case of pedophilia... Were the guy in his 40s, or maybe his 30s even, then perhaps. But with only five years in between them it just looks like rape, pure and simple.
And it brings us back to the old question... Just what do we do with people like this? Is there even anything that can be done?
Posted: Fri Jun 23, 2006 4:06 pm
by The Exile Revan
[QUOTE=Luis Antonio]And you should wash your mouth...
[/QUOTE]The dentist, nor his assistants never complain.
[QUOTE=dragon wench]Just what do we do with people like this? Is there even anything that can be done?[/QUOTE]Lop off their penis, and send them to a pyschologist that will 'treat' them into being his cellmate's little girl