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Movies I've seen lately

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Post by Ned Flanders »

by Georgi
I just find it hard to visualise Samuel L Jackson as a Jedi... "Use the ****ing force, mother****er!!"

Say Dark Side again!! Say Dark side again!!! I dare you, I double dare you mother***er!!!! Say Dark Side again!!!

I think Spaceballs could have used a foul mouth jedi brandishing a schwartz and a pimped up afro loaded with Gerri Curl. :D

Please don't forget Guy Pearce's role in Priscilla, Queen of the desert , put that on your must see list morlock, an interesting movie.

Couldn't agree more with HLD on the RHPS, get loaded and go see it in the theatre.

about spy game, the movie was lebanon so it is just in giving that sequence the most time in plot development. I'd agree with you in saying the movie was ok and worth watching though.

I have yet to see the man who wasn't there but will shortly. I won't pass up a coen bros. movie.

And to include my own review:
Bandits This one is worth your time although all in all I'd say it draws pretty heavy from a movie called bottle rocket (Wes Anderson's first) . You might also recognize wes anderson as the mind behind rushmore and the royal tannenbaum's. Anyway, Billy bob, and Willis are both entertaining, the movie's got a good balance of drama, romance, and humor, plus there's something about cate blanchett (perhaps, it's just me). The movie also carries a great plot twist obviously not worth giving away here. I only state it as a great plot twist because I didn't see it coming. Perhaps you (being a new viewer) will and if so may label it it as stupid. Enough, go see this one and while you're at it pick up bottle rocket as well. You won't be disappointed.
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Post by Morlock »

Originally posted by Mr Sleep

Why though did they get a well known US actor - namely Don Cheadle - to act as a ****ney, why not get a ****ney?

I really liked Oceans Eleven as well, it was all quite satisfying in a cheesy old hollywood way, a lot better than the original as well :)

One thing that the orginal was better at, was showing the friendship. In the remake it was all superficial- in the original you really got the sence that these guys were good friends.
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Post by Georgi »

@Morlock HLD and Jace have it right about RHPS. (I wanted to show it at our student film society last year, but I was told we had been banned from showing it because the audience gets too rowdy...) Even better though is seeing The Rocky Horror Show on the stage - it's great fun, audience participation guaranteed ;)

@Sleepy I agree about Romeo Must Die, it was dull... The One IMO is far better (dodgy plot and lots of things to nitpick, but everything you might expect from a kung fu movie).
Posted by Sleepy:
Why though did they get a well known US actor - namely Don Cheadle - to act as a ****ney, why not get a ****ney?
Or even get an ENGLISH voice coach to teach it to him... :rolleyes: IIRC it was Cheadle's idea, he wanted to distinguish his character from Sammy Davis Jr in the original, so people didn't think he was playing the same role.
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Post by Morlock »

I read on imdb that on Jackson's light Sabre it says BMF for Bad Mother....- his line from Pulp Fiction.

A friend of mine just bought me The soundtrack of Episode II in the States. I heard that it was really great- much better than Episode I. I heard that the climax of the movie- something along the lines of 'The fight with Count Dooku' is the best Star Wars composition since The Empirial March- even though its mostly rearanged compositions.
Anyone else bought it? it just came out on Tuesday.
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Post by Tamerlane »

Even better though is seeing The Rocky Horror Show on the stage - it's great fun, audience participation guaranteed
I was asked to be the head scary guy in the school production.

I was smart enough to watch the movie prior to filling in the role. Ever thankful of the minor one. :o :rolleyes: :D

Thats not to say its a bad play. Quite fun really...
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Post by Dottie »

I must say all Jet Li movies in a present day setting is crap. And kiss of the dragon is about the worst of them all. I think Chow Yun Fat usally makes slightly better modern movies.

The problem with all such productions is imo that in modern day settings they tend to be much more pretentious, and try to add emotional dramas and such. And as much as I enjoy a good kung fu movie Jet Li isnt exactly an "actor" but more of a "performer". :)
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Post by KidD01 »

Originally posted by Morlock
<SNIP>History of the World Part 1: <SNIP> "Don't miss History of the worls part two- you'll see Hitler Ice skating..."
Well, The correct phrase should be "Hitler on ice !" (as the narration goes, you can see Hitler iceskating) :D

PS : I have "History of the world part one" and "Space Balls" VHS, I used to watch it over and over again :D :D

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Post by Tamerlane »

Originally posted by Dottie
I must say all Jet Li movies in a present day setting is crap. And kiss of the dragon is about the worst of them all. I think Chow Yun Fat usally makes slightly better modern movies.

The problem with all such productions is imo that in modern day settings they tend to be much more pretentious, and try to add emotional dramas and such. And as much as I enjoy a good kung fu movie Jet Li isnt exactly an "actor" but more of a "performer". :)
Well it is sad considering that I was amazed by him in Shaolin Temple and Temple 2. Its not like he needs the wires for the over dramatic fight scenes.

Thats one thing I hate, the 'over dramatic', fight scenes. But I did enjoy Crouching Tiger a little bit. :D
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Post by KidD01 »

Well, Ol'Jet seems loosing his persona lately :)

While Amen Chow yuen Fat IMO still get a grasp of his coolness. Take example of his appearance on :
God of Gambler
A Better Tomorow 1 & 2 (Gosh, that damn cool shooting scene. Even though it's ridiculous firing a 9 mm with such a rate :D )
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Post by humanflyz »

Does anyone know if Yoda will actually fight in the movie? I mean I would love to see Yoda bust the Force out and whoop some butts. Now his hinted but never revealed uber-force power will be revealed. I would love to see that.


The evil Jedi played by Christopher Lee is in some way related to the clone war.


Christopher Lee's character clones Bobba Fetts' father and use the clones as his army. This army is supposed to be an early version of the Storm Trooper. Other than that, I have no idea what his character is suppose to be.
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Post by Georgi »

Morlock, I dunno what you're complaining about...

... looks to me like you have plenty of replies :p (And BTW I didn't reply about AotC soundtrack cos I haven't heard it ;) )

@Tammy I think you'd have made a good Frankenfurter though... you know you want to wear stockings :D We weren't allowed to do RHS at our school, it wasn't considered suitable for schoolkids... but then this is the school whose headteacher objected to doing Jesus Christ Superstar because of the 39 (?) lashes and slightly suggestive lyrics in "I don't know how to love him" :rolleyes:

The trouble I had with Crouching Tiger is I didn't think the SFX were very well done... like all that flying just looked really fake. When it comes to kung fu movies, I have to say I quite like Jackie Chan, he's a comedian as well as being good at kung fu (Jet Li doesn't really have much besides the moves).
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Post by Tamerlane »

Re: Morlock, I dunno what you're complaining about...
Originally posted by Georgi
@Tammy I think you'd have made a good Frankenfurter though... you know you want to wear stockings :D We weren't allowed to do RHS at our school, it wasn't considered suitable for schoolkids... but then this is the school whose headteacher objected to doing Jesus Christ Superstar because of the 39 (?) lashes and slightly suggestive lyrics in "I don't know how to love him" :rolleyes:
I'm tempted to use a witty joke, but if no one understands it. I shudder to think of the consequences. :D We did that and Little Shop Of Horrors.

Frankenfurter The name brings back a lot of bad memories... You should of seen the costume they had in store for me. :eek: :eek: :eek:
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Post by Morlock »

Re: Morlock, I dunno what you're complaining about...
Originally posted by Georgi
... looks to me like you have plenty of replies

I only got them after my thread. :rolleyes:
The trouble I had with Crouching Tiger is I didn't think the SFX were very well done... like all that flying just looked really fake. When it comes to kung fu movies, I have to say I quite like Jackie Chan, he's a comedian as well as being good at kung fu (Jet Li doesn't really have much besides the moves).

I thought Crouching tiger was really over-rated. I think it was an OK movie- magnified because its not in English.
The effects were stupid IMO.
I also hold a grudgh since Tan Dun won the oscar for best score, beating John Williams, and Hans Zimmer- whose score for Gladiator was far better than CTHD.
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Post by Mr Sleep »

Originally posted by Dottie
I must say all Jet Li movies in a present day setting is crap. And kiss of the dragon is about the worst of them all. I think Chow Yun Fat usally makes slightly better modern movies.
I watched a film the other night with Jet Li that was an almost exact replica of Fists of Fury and wasn't half as good. I think the problem is that all the old Kung Fu movies are cheesy nonesense but it doesn't matter because one accepts that as the case.

@CTHD I actually really liked it, i also liked that fact that they didn't use CG backdrops :) The story was a little standard but the scenery made up for it :)

Christopher Lee as a bad guy?!? never!!!! :D
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Post by Dottie »

About CTHD i didnt really like the flying scenes either, in most HK movies i think flying are okey, since the create such paradigm, but in CTHD the flying didnt fit into the rest of the movie. But imo CTHD had good points aswell, and one of them is the ending, I really liked the fact that Li Mu Bai dies, despite the presence of a cure for the poison. :)

Originally posted by Georgi
I have to say I quite like Jackie Chan, he's a comedian as well as being good at kung fu (Jet Li doesn't really have much besides the moves).
I cant stand Jackie Chan for more then about a minute, He is trying to be funny to hard, and his mouth talks to much. Perhaps he should consider hiring an stand in actor for the scenes he have to talk, and concentrate on doing the stunts. ;)
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Post by Georgi »

Posted by Tammy:
I'm tempted to use a witty joke, but if no one understands it. I shudder to think of the consequences.
Oh go on. We promise not to belittle you... much :p Did you ever wonder why exactly they thought you'd be so perfect for the role? :D
Posted by Morlock:
I only got them after my thread.
Then it served its purpose ;)
I thought Crouching tiger was really over-rated. I think it was an OK movie- magnified because its not in English.
I agree. IMO if that script was in English, it would have been laughable - because it was in a foreign language with English subtitles, they got away with it. Agree with Dottie about the ending though, it makes a change not to have the ultimate Hollywood cliche happy ending.
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Post by Tamerlane »

Did you ever wonder why exactly they thought you'd be so perfect for the role?

Well ummm, they said I would be perfect for the role... Image


*I'm beginning to think that wasn't a compliment...*
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Post by KidD01 »

I've just saw Nicolas Cages 8 mm - it's an old one allright - but I assure you I'll never gonna see that again. It's offensive, irrasional and less appealing for a movie :mad: :confused:
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Post by Tamerlane »

I heard it caused a tad of controversy when it was first released...

I haven't seen it yet, but judging from your comment. I guess I'm not exactly missing out on anything.
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Post by Georgi »

Originally posted by Tamerlane
I guess I'm not exactly missing out on anything.
:eek: Nooo, nobody should ever have to endure that film, I'd stay well away if I were you.

Then again, if you have that much in common with Frankenfurter it could be the kind of thing you'd enjoy :p :D

The trouble with 8mm... It's not the fact that it has Nicolas Cage investigating the seedy world of snuff flicks, it's just that it's a really unforgiveably terrible movie :D
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