by Georgi
I just find it hard to visualise Samuel L Jackson as a Jedi... "Use the ****ing force, mother****er!!"
Say Dark Side again!! Say Dark side again!!! I dare you, I double dare you mother***er!!!! Say Dark Side again!!!
I think Spaceballs could have used a foul mouth jedi brandishing a schwartz and a pimped up afro loaded with Gerri Curl.
Please don't forget Guy Pearce's role in Priscilla, Queen of the desert , put that on your must see list morlock, an interesting movie.
Couldn't agree more with HLD on the RHPS, get loaded and go see it in the theatre.
about spy game, the movie was lebanon so it is just in giving that sequence the most time in plot development. I'd agree with you in saying the movie was ok and worth watching though.
I have yet to see the man who wasn't there but will shortly. I won't pass up a coen bros. movie.
And to include my own review:
Bandits This one is worth your time although all in all I'd say it draws pretty heavy from a movie called bottle rocket (Wes Anderson's first) . You might also recognize wes anderson as the mind behind rushmore and the royal tannenbaum's. Anyway, Billy bob, and Willis are both entertaining, the movie's got a good balance of drama, romance, and humor, plus there's something about cate blanchett (perhaps, it's just me). The movie also carries a great plot twist obviously not worth giving away here. I only state it as a great plot twist because I didn't see it coming. Perhaps you (being a new viewer) will and if so may label it it as stupid. Enough, go see this one and while you're at it pick up bottle rocket as well. You won't be disappointed.