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Posted: Tue May 28, 2002 4:54 pm
by Dottie
Hmm, Tatooes arent really my style, should I ever get one though It would probably be on my face.

Posted: Wed May 29, 2002 5:15 am
by Azmodan
i think those "moko" tatoo's are
REALLY cool..
but maby that is overdoing it a bit
Moko= Maori facial tatoo
Posted: Wed May 29, 2002 6:34 am
by fable
I think it's a way of expressing your self.
If you own a house or rent an apartment and want to express yourself, you can put artwork on the walls. Change your mood, your tastes...? Remove what you've got, and put up something else. No offense meant, but when you express yourself via tattoos, you're pretty much stuck for life with the results. Wouldn't you say that's a bit, well, final?
Posted: Wed May 29, 2002 7:06 am
by Azmodan
it's a different form of expressing your self.
Everybody knows that you can't get rid of an tatoo. but now it's a part of me forever. and i still love my tatoos.
and if you want you can read it like a story.. different tatoos for different parts of your life.
Posted: Wed May 29, 2002 7:17 am
by fable
body knows that you can't get rid of an tatoo. but now it's a part of me forever.
My question, though, remains: don't you feel at any time that you wish you didn't have one of your current tattoos? Or that you'd done it differently?

Posted: Wed May 29, 2002 7:30 am
by Azmodan
well, as i have said before on this thread, is that im very glad i first discoverd tatoos when i was 22.. ( i didnt have the money for it before) So i had alot of time to think of where and what.
I personally have old viking tatoos, because that is where i come from. so in that way they have a deeper meaning for me. and are beautyful (if you ask me) im very happy i dont have a "i love Stu" or something on my arm.
But the most tatoo artist, can make you a fake tatoo that lasts for a month or something, and you can see if you would grow costum to it. and if it looks stupid
Posted: Wed May 29, 2002 7:57 am
by Beldin
@fable: My Tatoo's as much part of me as my face. And I can't change THAT anytime the fashion demands it

. So if you decide carefully before getting a Tatoo you're likely to be OK with it for the rest of your life...
@Azzy: I PM'd you.

Please check if you have the time.
Posted: Wed May 29, 2002 8:08 am
by Ode to a Grasshopper
Actually nowadays with all the cosmetic surgery that's out there you can change your face anytime fas(cism)hion demands it @Beldin.

Posted: Wed May 29, 2002 8:24 am
by Weasel
Originally posted by Ode to a Grasshopper
Actually nowadays with all the cosmetic surgery that's out there you can change your face anytime fas(cism)hion demands it @Beldin.
Should I include Greta Van Susteren in this group?
I wonder if she had to get a new id?
Posted: Wed May 29, 2002 8:28 am
by fable
So if you decide carefully before getting a Tatoo you're likely to be OK with it for the rest of your life...
Good words, @Beldin, but I think I'll pass in this lifetime on doing anything permanent in the way of artwork to my flesh. Besides, I'm still trying to slowly work my wife around to the idea that I might not be immediately discardable if I got a pierced ear.

Posted: Wed May 29, 2002 8:32 am
by Ode to a Grasshopper
Go Fable! If your partner in crime lets you get one then post a photo.

Posted: Wed May 29, 2002 8:36 am
by Beldin
Originally posted by Weasel
Should I include Greta Van Susteren in this group?
I wonder if she had to get a new id?
'scuse my ignorance, but WHO ist that ?
Posted: Wed May 29, 2002 10:48 am
by /-\lastor
I tend to dislike pierings, they can look very nice, but in my experience people often take it a bit too far. I think people should make the decision themselves, but first should think about it, too many piercings and tattoo's are taken when ppl are drunk or in a wild rush, it's quite permanent and ppl often regret them later.
I'll never take a piercing, permanently having a piece of metal stuck trough me doesnt appeal me. However I'm thinking of taking a tattoo in a coupla years (a small pointy one, cant remember the name of the style, y'know the ones who look a bit like barbed wire with knives stuck on em, @warhammer players: the dark eldar style).
Posted: Wed May 29, 2002 2:18 pm
by Azmodan
OK i took it too far (the poercing part when i was younger. But if you have seen my photo in the photo thread..)
You can see i only have one piercing in my face. i took one out for the aucation (it was cristmas), just to make my dad happy.
I used to have one in my lip (for a ver short while) and one in each nostril + the septum.
I grew a little out of it.
But my point was that either it's you or it's not. And people can have WAY too many piercings if you ask me.
Posted: Wed May 29, 2002 2:38 pm
by Azmodan
Beldin!....... you have mail!
Posted: Wed May 29, 2002 3:08 pm
by /-\lastor
I agree, either it's you or it isn't. I simply decided it isn't me

Posted: Wed May 29, 2002 3:29 pm
by Robnark
the people i know who're into ody modification (of various sorts) ae of the opinion that the ability to change how they look - not necessarily majorly - is a way of making their physical appearance more in line with the type of person they feel they are.
true, one's personality may change, but, for example, my left little finger is crooked ever since it was trapped in a door when i was two. i had no say over that, but i'm stuck with it. so, in a way, by changing yourself into more what you feel you are/want to be. if the decision is what you really want and made in a sensible way, it can really make you feel different about yourself.
[and by-the-by, i have agreed with my sister - a trainee tatooist - that sometime after my birthday and her training i'm getting a back piece in the style of circuit boards. nice,eh?] 
Posted: Wed May 29, 2002 3:45 pm
by /-\lastor
People (and the ones around em) are very much affected by their appearances, and the other way around. When you are a bit down, you tend to dress in darker colors, when you're happy bright is more appealing. Expressing your feelings and mood is good for your personality and helps other ppl to react more properly to you.
But ít works both ways, as I mentioned. I'll give you an example from my own life

: about year and a half ago my taste for music took a drastic change, going from ... ahum "normal" music (pop, ugh...) to, from some others' point of view, extreme music. My taste for clothing and haircuts changed with it. As my appearance changed, so did my personality. I went from very shy and withdrawn to (reasonably) confident and more open.
My point is things like these (piercings and tattoo's) help people define their own personalities, even if it's only for a short while (okay in the case of a tattoo, a less short while), and help them to arrange their lives just the way they like.
Orrrr.... you could just find em pretty

Posted: Wed May 29, 2002 7:26 pm
by Weasel
Originally posted by Beldin
'scuse my ignorance, but WHO ist that ?
Think OJ Simpson
She now works for...(I believe) Fox News.
Posted: Wed May 29, 2002 7:44 pm
by Un-Maimed
heres my thoughts -
AS one who has two piercings - nipple and tounge, I would say that the little bit of research I did into it before getting it done came up with -
Piercings in sensitive areas - (i.e. the nipple) increase sensation - which is all good

THe tounge was done just because..... (you know one of those things- -) and I have never had any problems.
The guy I spoke to about the piercings (admitally he was in the business) pointed out that the most bogus claims are made simply by people who are afraid of either needles or something different. Stainless steel piercings have never been proved to have a detrimental effect on people. Blood infection have, however. So if the piercing gets done. Follow the piercers instructions on cleaning it and make sure the needles come out of a sterilizing unit........
Would I get any more - yes, just dont know what yet, and as for tatoos - no way, cant get those buggers off if you stop liking them.
Just my opinion