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Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2003 2:36 pm
by C Elegans
Originally posted by Bloodstalker
Hmmm....send them to me and I'll see if that opinion is valid or not.....I might have to forward them on to Gwally though just to be on the safe side :D

Are you sure you would make a totally unbiased assessment of the suitability of the pictures? I really don't want to be banned for posting "explicit sexual material" on Buck's board... ;) Maybe a for instance DW who is a sound and rational person, would be a better udge?

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2003 2:39 pm
by Bloodstalker
Originally posted by Sytze
Now its actually getting a bit scary here.

Maybe thats the cause less people come here??........ :p

No, we usually leave Gwally alone when he's at his corner table in his trenchcaot with that glazed look in his eyes :D

@CE...I am absolut;ly unbiased, and, in response to my judgment getting you banned, look at it this way. Being the selfish and egotistical person I am, as long as I got to see the pics, I wouldn't care enough about anyone else seeing them to talk you inot posting something that would get you banned. ;)

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2003 2:42 pm
by dragon wench
Originally posted by C Elegans
Are you sure you would make a totally unbiased assessment of the suitability of the pictures? I really don't want to be banned for posting "explicit sexual material" on Buck's board... ;) Maybe a for instance DW who is a sound and rational person, would be a better judge?

lol! you have much more faith in my rational abilities than I do :D I'm the sort of person who puts black and white erotica on my desktop, so I doubt I'm the most objective judge :D

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2003 2:44 pm
by Gwalchmai
Originally posted by C Elegans
Are you sure you would make a totally unbiased assessment of the suitability of the pictures? I really don't want to be banned for posting "explicit sexual material" on Buck's board... ;) Maybe a for instance DW who is a sound and rational person, would be a better udge?
If it makes you feel better to send them to DW first, then by all means, send them! *begins writing check payable to "Dragon Wench"* :D

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2003 2:46 pm
by dragon wench
Originally posted by Gwalchmai
If it makes you feel better to send them to DW first, then by all means, send them! *begins writing check payable to "Dragon Wench"* :D

lmao! :D At this rate I'll be able to get that new computer after all ! :D

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2003 2:47 pm
by C Elegans
@BS: There is nothing I trust more than I will consider it :D
Originally posted by dragon wench
I'm the sort of person who puts black and white erotica on my desktop, so I doubt I'm the most objective judge :D
ROFL, you seem to have the same fine and sophisticated sense of taste and I have...The other day (when we also had two guests from NIH at the lab) I went through the corridor singing a particular well known old song by 9inch nails loudly...I'm sure you have heard it, without thinking of what the lyrics really mean...and my healthy control subject looked at me like I was crazy :o

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2003 2:48 pm
by C Elegans
Originally posted by Gwalchmai
If it makes you feel better to send them to DW first, then by all means, send them! *begins writing check payable to "Dragon Wench"* :D


@DW: I heard someone whisper you need a new computer? Maybe that can be arranged...if you just keep those photos to yourself :D

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2003 2:53 pm
by dragon wench
lmao! I can just imagine the effect the song would have had on any innocent passer by :D There's nothing like unwittingly generating shock value for a bit of entertainment :D

Erm.... you aren't *gasp*.. trying to bribe me are you... :eek:

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2003 2:54 pm
by Bloodstalker
Whatever she offers, I'll double it

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2003 2:56 pm
by Gwalchmai
I see another tactic may be called for....

Originally posted by C Elegans
I really don't want to be banned for posting "explicit sexual material" on Buck's board... ;)
Chicken! Bwaaaack, bwaaack, bwaack! :D

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2003 2:57 pm
by dragon wench
Originally posted by Bloodstalker
Whatever she offers, I'll double it

Hmmm... this is beginning to look lucrative... :D

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2003 3:02 pm
by C Elegans
@DW: I think my choice not to continue a clinical career was best for all - especially the patients :rolleyes: :D

Bribing? Not at all, how can you think that of me? I am merely ensuring that those pictures will stay in your hands only...
Originally posted by Gwalchmai
Chicken! Bwaaaack, bwaaack, bwaack! :D

Chicken? Me? Just wait, I'll show the most explicit pictures that has ever been posted on this board....

...or maybe not...I'm a Mod at the D2 forum now, and whereas many think it's a totally brainless game, it's at least not indecent :p

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2003 3:10 pm
by Gwalchmai
I see begging, agreeing, and ridicule hasn’t worked. Maybe I should try threats?

Originally posted by C Elegans
Chicken? Me? Just wait, I'll show the most explicit pictures that has ever been posted on this board....

...or maybe not...I'm a Mod at the D2 forum now, and whereas many think it's a totally brainless game, it's at least not indecent :p
A mod at D2, eh? I may just have to visit that forum….. :eek: :D

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2003 3:14 pm
by dragon wench
Originally posted by C Elegans
@DW: I think my choice not to continue a clinical career was best for all - especially the patients :rolleyes: :D

Bribing? Not at all, how can you think that of me? I am merely ensuring that those pictures will stay in your hands only...

LMAO... Indeed.... those poor patients would not have required electroshock, no doubt your ministrations would have provided precisely the same benefits :D

You know.. I am just thinking.. it would probably be in the best interest of both Gwally and BS if those photos did not reach them.. I mean from the sounds of it they could end up causing a mass onslaught of coronaries! :eek:

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2003 3:39 pm
by Yshania
Originally posted by Gwalchmai

Personally, I've been feeling very left out these days because most people have abandoned ICQ and have gone over to MSN. Even my closest friends are distant to me, and potential new close friends are unreachable. That whole AC as Sex-Goddess thing was a major in-joke that I was left out of (don't you think that would have been right up my alley? :D ). I hesitate to load up MSN because my main spam time is at work and I don't know how 'detectible' it is.

ICQ/MSN it is all the same when you have time differences to get around. If I was counted as a close friend, I have been around, we just haven't co-ordinated lately, it seems. Since I am taking a break from SYM now, I hope that we might sort this out, otherwise I would never see you *hug* :(

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2003 4:28 pm
by Antimatter
I'm with thug on this one I think. I've been here a long time, but I mostly posted in the gaming forums before under some long-forgotten name. After that I left and when I came back I just kind of read a lot of it. I learned a whole lot and eventually I felt like I wanted to take part in some of the discussion so I signed up. I don't really read the spam threads at all. That's probably because I don't know you all too well and I'd rather spam with my good friends on other boards. This is like the board I go to to learn and be serious.

However, I also find that because I don't know as much as almost anyone and I'm quite young for this board (I'm 18) that my posts sometimes get skipped over. This is not really a complaint from me because I don't mind really. I could see it turning away some other people, though.

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2003 6:12 pm
by Scayde
Originally posted by Yshania
ICQ/MSN it is all the same when you have time differences to get around. If I was counted as a close friend, I have been around, we just haven't co-ordinated lately, it seems. Since I am taking a break from SYM now, I hope that we might sort this out, otherwise I would never see you *hug* :(

You leaving too Sis !?! :o :(

I hope it is only temporary and I hope it wont be for long :(


As for me, I have had a lot more work lately, and as this is where I post most, I have to finish my work first. The patien load has really cut into my spam time :p

Most anything I have to offer has already been said.
I think the political threads did cause some hurt feelings. There are a few people like myself who do not like to argue, but did want to participate and share our ideas, and ourselves with others. It was not a pleasent experience.

Stealth is part to blame. There are times when , like BS, I log on, and log right back off because I dont think anyone is around. Still, I like the stealth feature, because when I am on line usint the walk throughs and such, it doesnt look like I am ignoring people. But I will start leaving my name lit up I think, even if I am jsut lurking :)

I love the spam.

I miss Weasel :(

I also miss spamming with Flibble and Neddy, Eery, Beldin and McBane.

Ode isn't around as much anymore.

When Viv left the DF's it was a hard blow.
Now Than rarely makes an appearence either. :(

AC has been coming back around..I am glad for that. I missed her.

I don't spam with BS and T as much as I used to :(

I think we all just need to get drunk and post naked :D

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2003 7:02 pm
by Scayde
Originally posted by Bloodstalker
In fact, sometimes I don't post because I think I am the only one online and don't wanna be caufght playing with myself :eek: Most of the time, if I see no names or activity, I leave pretty quick.
Originally posted by Gwalchmai
I was invisible for a long time, but then I started noticing just what you have pointed out, and am now 'visible'. But, unlike you, I am not afraid to play with myself.... :eek:

*Makes note to send Gwally and BS web cams for Christmas this year *

:D :cool: ;)

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2003 7:05 pm
by dragon wench
Originally posted by Scayde
*Makes note to send Gwally and BS web cams for Christmas this year *

:D :cool: ;)

LMAO! But er... do we really want to encourage them.... :eek: I mean... children could be watching... :eek: :D

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2003 7:08 pm
by Scayde
Originally posted by dragon wench
LMAO! But er... do we really want to encourage them.... :eek: I mean... children could be watching... :eek: :D
Absolutely..we'll just make it a subscription service. ;)
That way the viewers will have to give us their credit card number.

(For age verification of course) :cool: :p