[QUOTE=C Elegans]I totally agree with Chanak here, and I think his post illustrates what many people do not seem to realise: that there are more options than attacking the attacker yourself, or stay passive.
I would certainly
not intervene in a manner that put myself, the offender or the victim at a high risk for serious injury. Since the victim in this situation is already at risk for serious injury, I would act in a way that interrupted this risk.
First thing would be to call the police and an ambulance, since the quicker they arrive, the better are the chances to interrupt the situation, to minimise lasting injuries for the victim and to catch the perpertrator. If I was completely alone, I would try to distract the offender in all possible ways, and make sure I memorised what s/he looks like, the situation, etc. If there were other people present, or if I have people with me, I would engage them to help passifying the perpertrator by holding him/her still
not using violence. [/QUOTE]
What happens when you "distract the offender in all possible ways"? Have you ever actually done this? The first time I did this, by shouting at the guy from across the street after calling the police, as you said, he came after me instead. Ran straight at me, hit me in the jaw and knocked me to the ground. *shakes my head* I stopped doing that. I walk towards the attacker shouting for him to stop and when he goesn't, I grab and try to wrestle him to the ground and restrain him. One-on-one, that tends
not to work, and out of the 5 truly violent incidents I was in outside of silly fights with kids, only one fight was resolved by a group of people holding the person down with my help. The rest, I took care of either alone, once, or the rest people just stared.
My jumping into the situation doesn't put the target at a greater risk, just me. That is
my choice to put myself at risk. If the person who was attacked is able, they are free to run off. All but one of them has been too badly hurt to do anything but lay there. The one girl that was being dragged off to be raped wasn't, but she was so horribly terrified she simply was on the ground shaking. I
am distracting that attacker, in my own way, a way that prevents them from focusing on the victim until help arrives.
Screaming at them from down the road simply irritates them and makes them pick between keeping up with what they are doing, or coming after you instead.
@Chanak, that guy was a moron.
That's also completely different from the situations I was referring to. A hostage is in a totally different amount of danger than someone actively being physically attacked at the present time, don't you think?