Houston810 wrote:I def think it the change was meant to nerf but really how much damg can the the blood strike to compared to a gun, there is no comparison it's so weak it's not even worth using.
First of all , it depends on the gun.
Secondly it`s merely the first rank of Thaumaturgy it`s not like it`s the last dot... you get it for free after all and you expect to do more dmg than a gun? (I think it does more dmg than the .38 or the crossbow and that should be enough)
The Animalism rank 2 discipline, Burrowing beetle does less damage than blood strike and it`s the second dot, not the first so you shouldn`t complain about blood strike. (Or at least it did on the vanilla version, now i don`t know how much wesp changed during his patches)
Also, you will get the Daimonori or whatever it is called in the 3rd chapter which will boost all 5 of the Thaumaturgy ranks so i think that is enough... you don`t need an even bigger boost to your powers or else the game would be too easy. If you wanna be overpowered, use cheats
The game is already too easy as it is...
I mean FFS i finished the game with all 7 (?) clans and i only died twice : once with the Toreador, and once with the Ventrue. With all the other clans INCLUDING the Tremere, i didn`t die a single time, so it`s arguably the easiest game ever.
Now this can be debated forever...
Maybe you would have better luck if you would just change the history yourself (ask for help from some1 around the forums that can do that, if you don`t know how; i don`t either
