@ Warggoath: In that case, your views don't have anything at all to do with Lucifer, in any way, shape or form. You have your own personal outlook on life, leave it at that.
[QUOTE=QuenGalad]Religion is for men and only for men, as everything. So no wonder some girls desperately try to find any other way.[/QUOTE]
Not true. Common, world recognized, and organized religions fit that way. Mine certainly does not. If anything, my personal belief system favors women over men, which would technically make me a sexist against my own sex. Never really thought of it that way before, but I have to say, I am far more disappointed with the males I encounter than the females in general.
Unfortunately, I believe that society has been caught in some weird catch 22 with how to deal with male/female relationships. Historically, in general, males were seen as superior, even if only by themselves. Women became submissive, passive aggressive, and/or used deceitful techniques in order to attempt to restore the power balance. The religions which were in place had mandates stating certain things were sinful or bad, and in order to seek ways to tip the scales in their favor, women often did things that the religion found sinful in order to accomplish what they needed to do. That probably didn't help the women in their struggle for equality later on, giving the men in power who wanted to stay in power ammunition to use against the women. Whether it was justified or not.
For example, it is unfortunately still common for women to use their appearance and bodies in order to get what they want from men. Dressing in revealing clothes to get free drinks, exchanging sex in a relationship in order to get jewelry or clothing, etc. I won't tolerate such behavior from girls, but is it really their fault? They are often trained, either by a family member, or train themselves noting that they can get further in life by doing as they see someone else to do. The reason this is done is that in previous generations, thats how things were. It is not right, but like racism, and slavery, it was how things were in the past. Woman A does X for Man B in exchange for Y. Man B does C for Woman A in exchange for Z. A relationship barter system if you will, in which the sexes use subtle ways to shift the power balance without ever mentioning it to each other.
Feminism has turned ugly, as a belief system put into practice, like communism and capitalism. The few who do wrong in order to get what they want within the group who follow it ruin it for the others amongst the group. Just like if you look at the original message that was set down for Christianity in history, and then look at what was transcribed into the bible, it is different. It's like a game of telephone, where the original message is twisted, and therefore, laughed at or looked down upon.
One of the reasons I keep my beliefs as just my beliefs. I don't spread them, as in spreading them, I will see my belief system twisted into the vision of someone else. This would frustrate me, as they would most likely claim to still follow
my belief system. I would inform them they are not, and they would say "Yes, I am, you taught it to me." refusing to see they have changed it ever slightly. Perhaps they would alter it still further as they grew older, then pass it on to their children. One might choose to follow it, and change it again himself. Which, in all actually, is nothing like
my belief system at all.
Which leads to frustration when discussing it with others. Many seem to need some form of tangible proof. They need a name for the religion, a historical backing, prominent figures, text, symbols, etc. I
could title my religion and write a book, and create a symbol for my religion. I could even press the government to acknowledge it as a "true" religion. Go to court to get my personal holidays as legal holidays which I could get off work. I would probably fail, as this country is run by Christians, regardless of the basis of the countries ideals. Which is a hypocrisy of incredible proportions, but that happens to be something else entirely.
As it is, if I told my boss "I want a day off for holiday 'X'" she would laugh and say "Oh, you just made that up. I've never heard of it." She would probably give me the day off, as she adores me, however it would be of the utmost disrespect to my belief system in the way she responded. My refusal to participate in the standardized holidays recognized by this country...generally ancient holidays twisted into a marketing device by Christians in general anyhow sets me apart. I am seen as anti-social and a heathen for discounting Easter and Christmas and the like. Yet, if I wanted to celebrate a day that was truly, thoroughly special to me, I would be just making up something in order to slack off. Unlike the folks who just want to get drunk and sleep in on any other given holiday in this country.
If you do a study of the major religions still followed by vast numbers of people in this world, you will note that they all contain the same basic concepts. They just take them in different directions. It's like a cube with different colored and textured faces. Every side is the same size and dimensions, but it looks slightly different. Humans in general aren't very good at accepting what is not readily able to be grasped at hand, so they stick to what is familiar and in sight. They only slowly absorb new concepts in large numbers if it doesn't have any tangible traits. The great differences between humans and say cats or flies do set humans apart, but not so much as humans seem to believe. Which, is and of itself another belief system, with its inherent flaws, biases and everything that is beholden to the standard belief system. THE original belief system if you will, one which is the basis of the others that humans hold dear.