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Quick question about a game glitch...

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Quick question about a game glitch...

Post by thesphinxofra »

I played the game through the first time with a strictly "evil" character-

I beat jack as a dragon and waited through the credits so I would be able to continue playing afterwards. So I beat a couple more quests and was able to world save.

I played it through again with a "good" character and beat the dragon again and everything, but after waiting through the credits, i wasn't able to world save, i could only hero save. Every time since then, if I want to do other quests, I have to beat jack and wait through the credits, which gets rather old, fast.
Is this a problem with the disk, or is it something else...?

(other random fact; the guildmaster says nothing- he mouth is moving, but it's silent)
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Post by DesR85 »

thesphinxofra wrote: I played it through again with a "good" character and beat the dragon again and everything, but after waiting through the credits, i wasn't able to world save, i could only hero save. Every time since then, if I want to do other quests, I have to beat jack and wait through the credits, which gets rather old, fast.
Is this a problem with the disk, or is it something else...?
Odd. I beat the game twice but never encountered this problem before (good side, though). Maybe try reloading the save before you fought Jack's dragon form? Sorry I can't be of much help as this never happened to me before.
thesphinxofra wrote:(other random fact; the guildmaster says nothing- he mouth is moving, but it's silent)
That also happened to me. It's normal. By that time, he shouldn't have anything interesting to say (but hitting him will make him talk as usual :laugh :) .

P.S. Hello and welcome to the forums. :)
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Post deleted. Please don't hijack threads with off-topic questions.

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Post by thesphinxofra »


I tried it, but it sill wont save the way I want it to.
Ah well, never mind then ^_^;

(I had meant to say it loads back to before I get the third soul for Archon's shrine, not just before you fight jack)
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perriman smyth
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Post by perriman smyth »

try save before final battle
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