i came across the below url a few days ago, i was wondering do these clan packs work ok for the game? do they actually add extra starting chars? etc etc..
alleykatt wrote:i came across the below url a few days ago, i was wondering do these clan packs work ok for the game? do they actually add extra starting chars?
These seem to be earlier versions of Offkorns PnP mod which indeed adds several new clans with different stats. But better use Google to find his latest version of the mod.
ok thanks will look them up, having completed the game with all default clans (using one of your older brilliant patches ) except nosey i need something to bring me back to the game heh.
Wesp5 wrote:These seem to be earlier versions of Offkorns PnP mod which indeed adds several new clans with different stats. But better use Google to find his latest version of the mod.
Do these patches add new Disciplines as well. Obtenebration ftw!
I'm definitely grateful for the Plus patch. I was just wondering if the new clans were anything besides stat adjustments for existing ones. Am I safe in assuming that there are no additional skins or models for the new clans, either?