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Skills in Fable 2

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to any of the titles or expansions within Lionhead Studios' Fable series.
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Skills in Fable 2

Post by rickemosh »

Ive been watching videos about fable 2 and peter moleneux has in some of them cheated by bringin up a menu that allows him to change things in the game and i have seen things in fable 2 that are cool such as:

1.Dexterous styles (wtever they are)
2.Accurace(i know tht was in the first one but this is with guns woo!)
3.Speed (wich means you can actually increase your speed)
4.shock (a spell)
5.Inferno (spell)
6.Time control (spell)
7.Blades (either the skill in which tyou can use a blade or the spell that sends swords at opponents)
8.Vortex (spell i think)
9.chaos (spell or similar to beserk)

please reply if you have any more info about spells or skills available in fable 2
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