What do i need to get my Sorcerer to throw spells faster?
she is slower then malasess going down hill lol.
I have my Fighting Guy thank God hes good at spoting,and his
Attack is great with out him i would be dead fast,
have my spider but dont no how long it will last lol....
Shes in chapter 2 Port Llast
here is were she stands
she has fighter Daelan Red Tiger with her HIS hp 108/108
Sumononed Dire Spider 5 hp not to high
Sea Wind Fires information
Lawful Good
Sorcerer 10
AC 18
HP 60/62
Weapon Staff Power
Strangth 10.....Dexterity 14....Constitution 14....Intelligence 12
Wisdom 10....Charisma 18
Reflex 8
Will 7
Damage 1-6 critical 20/x2
Attack bonus +5
Base Attack 5
Spell Resistance 0%
Arcane Spell Failure 0%
Armor check penalty 0%
Any ideas on how to get her to throw magic spells faster
she has learn spells to cast fire lighting
shes even slow with the cross bow
From Sea Wind