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Sea Wind Fire

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2008 11:02 am
by Sea_Wind

What do i need to get my Sorcerer to throw spells faster?
she is slower then malasess going down hill lol.
I have my Fighting Guy thank God hes good at spoting,and his
Attack is great with out him i would be dead fast,
have my spider but dont no how long it will last lol....

Shes in chapter 2 Port Llast
here is were she stands
she has fighter Daelan Red Tiger with her HIS hp 108/108
Sumononed Dire Spider 5 hp not to high


Sea Wind Fires information
Lawful Good
Sorcerer 10
AC 18
HP 60/62
Weapon Staff Power

Strangth 10.....Dexterity 14....Constitution 14....Intelligence 12
Wisdom 10....Charisma 18
Reflex 8
Will 7
Damage 1-6 critical 20/x2
Attack bonus +5
Base Attack 5
Spell Resistance 0%
Arcane Spell Failure 0%
Armor check penalty 0%

Any ideas on how to get her to throw magic spells faster
she has learn spells to cast fire lighting
shes even slow with the cross bow

From Sea Wind

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2008 11:38 am
by Claudius
Your in the NWN2 forum and you are playing NWN1. Could tell by the Daelen redtiger comment.

For sorceror I would use a lot of buffing spells. I have forgotten the spells in NWN1 but some defensive spells like Mage Armor, Cat's Grace, and Stoneskin. Buff with Bull's Strength (and buff Daelen Redtiger too). If heroism or greater heroism are in NWN1 then use that. Get Mordenkainen's sword (eventually). With the buff's you should be ok at killing things melee. Not great but it means you can save your spells and don't have to rest constantly. You can still get a lot of sorceror spells as sorceror 19 so I would consider taking Fighter 1 in order to get martial weapons but that might be bad because it slow down your casting. For big battles you can throw around your fireballs, ice storms, and Issaac's missile storms.

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2008 11:04 pm
by mr_sir
Thread moved to NWN 1 forum

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2008 10:30 am
by shift244
Spellcasting mechanics

NWN is based off a turn based system, which allows for one spell per turn for each character. This is then compared to weapon fighters who can reach up to four attacks in that same round.

The only way to increase your spells per turn is to take the Quicken Spell metamagic feat. This would allow you to Quicken a spell by casting it using a spellslot 3-levels higher than a spell (so you will use a level 5 spell slot to cast a level 2 spell), but then the casting of this spell takes no time at all.

You can cast one Quicken spell per turn, so effectively doubling the number of spells you can cast to two per turn, up from one.

If you are planning to bring the character to Epic levels, Automatic Quicken Spell is a worthwhile feat to take, as it will automatically Quicken the first spell you cast in that round, if eligible, at no extra cost.