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Pool of Radiance (Gold Box) Thread

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Pool of Radiance (Gold Box) Thread

Post by darkwraith007 »

Seems to be no section for this classic game so I thought I'd start things off here with a very unusual screenshot, taken in-game using D-Fend Reloaded with DosBox (latest versions of both, non-CVS, non-beta).

[url=""]Odd screenshot[/url]

As you can see, in a typical battle in the slums (after killing the old fortune teller) I'm fighting some monsters and I notice a very odd graphic/item in a certain spot. I'm afraid I don't have a 'savestate' of this but I did take the screenshot and it seems to be only a graphical glitch. When I moved one of my characters over the item, nothing happened and there was no way to obtain the item or perform any other additional actions on that square.

Has anyone ever seen anything like this? What is that thing and what's its purpose?

I apologize for the tiny resolution of the screenshot, that's what DosBox does.
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Post by tempest790 »

I've played Pool of Radiance on many platforms, but I never came across that. I assume it's the PC version. I don't kill the fortune teller though (it enrages the monsters) so that may be why I never saw that.

It could be something that was going to be added but was never finished for the game. The original POR went through some changes before it was released. Just look at the screenshots on the POR gold box. They actually had a blue background originally.

To date, I played POR on the C64, Amiga, and the PC. I booted up the Mac version and Apple version, but didn't play it through. Hands down, the Amiga version is the best. With 32 colors vs. 16 for the other platforms and stereo sound, it's really a treat to play.
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