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Which side is "good"? Spoilers Possible

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Which side is "good"? Spoilers Possible

Post by Sain »

I am having trouble deciding which side is the lesser of two evils. The Rebels are fighting for rights, but doing it in an extremist way. The Order are defending themselves, but they are the oppressors. And no way in hell am I going neutral. So I get to pick my poison, should I side with the Murdurous Rebels, or the Oppressive Defenders?
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Post by DesR85 »

I find both of them fanatical and crazy but I chose the Order in both instances because Siegfried comes across as a respectable person compared to Yaevinn, whom I find rather pompous at times. Decided to go neutral near the end as I got sick of the Order sooner or later. :p

In the first encounter, you can choose either side freely, but on the second encounter, you will have to choose carefully as the side you support will affect the outcome of the game later on.
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Post by Sain »

I pretty much decided that, on a stalmate, the order wins, because of Siegnfeld:laugh:who seemed to be more "lawful good" than Yaevinn. Plus the he realizes that the Order is evil.(I read the game guide :cool: )
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Post by flix »

Yes, Siegfried tipped the scales in favor of the Order for me too, in my first game. Both the Order and the Squirrels do some horrific things throughout the game, and they both do some noble things as well. I suppose the Order (under the guidance of the grandmaster) is the true villian of the game. Still, Yaevinn is just an ass, even if you side with the nonhumans, as I found out in my second runthrough. I felt Siegfried was a loyal friend.
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Post by dragon wench »

Initially I considered the Order because of Siegfried, because he struck me as a decent sort.
Then... before I had fully decided I completed a quest that swayed me in favour of the elves. I am glad I did, and by the end of the game I had no regrets whatsoever. ;)

The thing is though, and it is something I like about The Witcher, there is no clearcut "good" and "evil."
That being said, the next time I play through (would be now, cept my gaming comp is being fixed), I intend to pick Neutral, there is no way I'd side with the Order. But, of course, that is all subjective.
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Post by whitetail »

The Witcher

In many ways the game is more complex if you go neutral.
You get to fight both sides ,but at the same time you have more powerfull friends.
And why stick up for either of the evils?
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Post by Nightmare »

I sided with the Order initially, and then later chose to go neutral, and was very happy with my decision. Why choose one side of evil?
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Post by GoldDragon »

Another to Neutrality.

My reason: Both the Order and the Scoi'tael are so busy trying to kill off the other, that they fail to see anything else. And as the later parts of the game show, that can be a dangerous thing indeed, especially for those like White Rayla :speech: :eek:

Defending both sides from the evil they can't (or choose not to) see or understand, so that they can continue doing what they want is good, isn't it?
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Post by Sir Twist »

Personally, I don't think either side is inherently good or evil, just a matter of perspective. And it's a matter which side is actually better for ou. I mean which side has more gear, more stuff for you.
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Post by Ronan »

I chose the Order and neutrality because I've never liked elves in the first place because they are way too pompous and elitist. At least humans can show true gratitude, but I didn't like them either in the end so I chose the neutral way.

I often do not like to be neutral, but now I just wanted to kill them all if possible.
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Post by Sir Twist »

Ok, I have a question, and it can be that the answers will be spoilers, but then again maybe not. Here goes, I'm working my way through chapter 2, and I've not started all the running around talking to certain people about town. However, somehow you can't buy, sell, etc. from the Order's merchants. Is this something to do with how you progress things in the Temple Quarter, or what? I'd like to remain on their good side next I get there, on my next play through.
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Post by Nightmare »

I'm pretty sure that if you do a quest or two for the Scio'tael, the Order merchants won't sell to you for a bit. You can still go to the Dwarven smiths, and depending on who you side with later on, you can probably start trading with the Order merchants again.
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Post by GoldDragon »

Actually, the Order's Blacksmith and merchant won't be available once Triss Teleports you to her house. As I never played for the Scoi'tael, I don't know if the Dwarves will work. However, in Chapter two (before the Teleport), it also depends upon certain acts from the Previous Chapter. Specifically
if you allow the Scoi'tael to take the goods
, however, the Dwarven ones will be able to do everything the Order does, so it doesn't really matter.... much....

However, there is a blacksmith near the merchant square, as well as an Arms dealer (Right around the corner, across from the Bookseller, usually) and an Armor Merchant in the New Narakort Inn's Square next to the Watchtower. The Blacksmith requires a Gem to do weapon upgrades, however, so be warned.
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Post by mr_sir »

The dwarf blacksmiths still traded with me after teleporting to Triss' house at the start of Chapter 3, and after the graveyard quest given by Siegfried I could also trade with the Order in the Temple District again so its not true that they won't trade with you after you teleport to Triss' house. Its entirely dependent on your in game choices, not on the chapter transition (the Order stopped trading with me mid-chapter 2 then started again after certain choices I made in the graveyard quest in Chapter 3)
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Post by jklinders »

Comes down to personal choice really. The whole game is an exercise of choosing which flavor of bad outcome you get. Sometimes you can minimize the bad outcome, but rarely is any outcome good.

What kind of evil do you think Geralt would go with if he HAS to choose? The kind that supports marginalizing entire races, or the kind that is completely indiscriminant about who they kill for their goals. Disgusting choice either way. This is why when given the option in chapter 4 I went neutral. Actualy the choices were so equally ahorrent to me that it came down to which character I preferred, Siegfried or Yeavan(sp?) That made it slightly easier for me,
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Post by whitetail »


MR. Sir Is correct.
What ever you do do not trade with or buy from the one in trade quarter.
He always wants something for free before you can even deal.
Like diamons or saphires.
To get the best chioces in weapons use the one at the top of the stairs in temple quarter .
And you can trade with him anytime unless your hellbent on being an elve ;)
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Post by demigame »

well, it is a hard decision for the first time players.
I join Order in CH2. because Siegfried is a lawful knight and respect me (many people disrespect the witcher).
I don't like to be insult... so slay them all:mischief:

this game is worth to try again with different side.
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Post by demigame »

well, i finish the game. :cool:
i think there is no real good/evil side in the game. :rolleyes:
everything changes,everying relatives,.
you do something you think it is good, but you help a lot of evil indeed. :eek:
just like butterfly effect.
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