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Stumped on **SPOILER**

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to Radon Labs' Drakensang: The Dark Eye, Drakensang: The River of Time, and Drakensang: Philleason's Secret.
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Stumped on **SPOILER**

Post by Asny »

It's been many years since I played an RPG game with a real riddle. I remember back in the 80s spending days with friends and neighbors trying to figure out some obscure meaning to a CRPG riddle. Well, Drakensang has finnally done it to me again. And while its been kind of fun I'm starting to get impatient with my failure at detuctive reasoning so if anyone has any hints, answers, or even just thoughts, please share.


Okay, this pertains to the treasure map quest in the swamp. I have figured out the first part and have guesses at other parts but I need help.

The first part of the riddle talks about following the hilt of three swords. The three swords are sell-swords and the hilt ithe epittet (sp?) on their grave stones. Of course, sell-swords are also mercenaries and there are three mercenary grave stones side-by-side just south of the hill with the harpy egg.

The next part talks about a no matter how high an obstacle may rise, flying as the crow flies, etc. It also says something about a fourth...fourth what, rise, obstacle, gravestone? Turns out its a fourth mercenary grave stone.

The obstacle is the hill. Naturally you can't go over it but you can go arround. The crow may be a referance to the harpies (which is what lead me to the grave stones). So I went arround the hill and due north of the other three mercenary grave stones is a fourth mercenary grave stone.

The next part of the riddle talks about staying awhile and contemplating the words and gaining an understanding.

The grave stone talks about a poisoned mercenary whom rather than going for help burried his friends and then laid down to die beside them.

Well, there is a sepecrule(sp?) next to the three mercenary graves. There is also a little building type grave next to the 4th mercenary. I figured the clue had to be at one or the other but was most likely at the sepecrule.

The next bit of the riddle talks about not doing the obvious but that true wisdom lay in the fram. I took the obvious to be entering the sepecrule (or building) and the frame to be the doorway.....problem is I can't find a clue on, or in, either location. I can't thing of any other likely location.

The one other guess I have comes later in the rhyme map. It talks about wheels and halves being whole. I'm pretty sure that that refers to the cross like structures on many graves. Problem is I can only find one that has anything legibly written on it, and that is back in town, and it is meaningless to me, at least so far.

Again...any help would be appreciated. Thanks

OH! **another spoiler**

If anybody knows the combo for the levers for the fountain I'd appreciate knowing. I know I am more than capable of running through the various combinations....I just don't want to spend a day doing so.

Hmmmm....perhaps I can find that missing dwarf the guard keeps talking about.
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Post by swcarter »

From what I remember of the treasure map quest, the first clue made a lot of sense, but none of the other ones did. I ended up poking around and finding a German site with a walkthrough for the quest, and that's the only way I got through it. So you might try hunting for it as well.

For the levers, I just tried every possibility until I got the right one. I don't think there's any sort of clue for it. You won't meet the dwarf until after figuring out the combination.

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Post by She-Wolf »

If I remember correctly, the second clue mans visiting the same spot where you defeated the necromancer. You'll know you got it right when one of your party memebers makes a comment. From there and to the right, I think, there is a grave with several, now-clickable buttons, shaped as an "S" or, as the riddle says, "a snake". Which one of the buttons you're supposed to push seems to be random, though. Final clue leads you into the crypt and to the sarcophagus, but there, you're not to do "the obvious" which would be opening the sarcophagus. Instead, look closely at the sarcophagus and you'll see the place to insert the key.

The levers are actually ridiculously easy - The ones you're supposed to move (up, I think) have steam/smoke coming out of them. ;)
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