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Party separated by locked door problem.

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wise grimwald
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Party separated by locked door problem.

Post by wise grimwald »

I am in the middle of the battle with Yxunamei.
Instead of taking all of her minions on at the same time, I thought that I would sneak past and kill some of them before talking to the little girl.
The little girl died without having any conversation. Yxunamei and some of her minions went towardsd my main party so I shut the door so that they couldn't attack.
My fighter/thief cleared the area of all but Yxunamei.
So far quite a good tactic except that now the door won't open.
I now want to attack Yxunamei with my main party, but the door is locked.
Is this what is meant to happen?
Will it be possible to unlock the door with my thief if I am able to lure Y away from it?
If I kill Y with my thief will I be able to open the door?
Or is it a bug?
Help gratefully recieved.
I have lured Y away from the door, but even my thief cannot unlock it.

Tried getting thief killed after leaving his goodies in a cheat. resurrected him, but now nobody can reach Y. Fortunately saved under a different name.

The only way of doing this that I can think of, is to export my other characters, delete them and re-import them the other side of the door.

Other ideas didn't work so I cheated my party the other side of the gate.
Now nothing I do seems to injure it.
Anyone know?
Did a search, but no results.
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Post by kmonster »

As soon as the battle with Yxunomei and her minions starts, the door is locked. It won't open before she's dead.
She's not invincible, but she can only be hurt by +2 weapons or better, if your fighter/thief has a weapon to hurt her (like Conlan's hammer) he can kill her, you don't have to cheat.
If he doesn't have such a weapon get both him and your party as close to the door as possible, you should be able to trade weapons and other stuff, just imagine there's a little gap below the door just big enough for weapons.
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wise grimwald
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Post by wise grimwald »

Thanks. I will try that and let you know the result.
PS It worked!!
I had to buff him to the hilt, but it worked!!

From your previous reply, would bullets +2 work equally well?
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Post by kmonster »

They should work, but I never had to spent magical ammo for her.
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wise grimwald
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Post by wise grimwald »

In future, I might well use the same tactic, only ensuring that I don't have to pass weapons under the door by giving the hammer to my thief first!!
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