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Small site bug

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Small site bug

Post by Tricky »

I experienced some problems reactivating my account. I can't exactly pin down what caused it, but I'm just going to write down what happened, step by step.

1. I was on (the main page, not the forum)
2. I was not logged in.
3. In the upper part (where it says 'Welcome, User.' if you are logged in) next to the Gamebanshee logo, I clicked on the password recovery link
4. I get this text output instead of the recovery page:
That Page Doesn't Exist!
Sorry, the page you were trying to access could not be found! If you were looking for information about a particular game, try using the "Banshee Network" dropdown navigation system in the upper left corner to reach our subsite for the game. If the page has been moved, you will most likely find a new link to it on the navigation bar in the subsite area.

- GameBanshee Staff
5. I started looking around for Jon's email and at some point I found an old, now incorrect activation link in my inbox.
6. I clicked on that and the next two pages or so eventually brought me to the password recovery page.

A few months ago (februari, I think), I tried to do the same, but then I didn't figure out this workaround. I asked DW or Xandax to take a look at it, but now I understand they might now have found anything wrong. As it happened again to me, today (and that's on two different computers with two different OS'es now), I really do believe something is wrong with it. Likely for months now.

I hope this is of use to you.
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Post by Xandax »

I just checked this and you are correct.
The lost password link on the main page points to the wrong page (most likely a relative link in the header which points to the wrong page).

The "lost password" button works when clicking it from the forums subsection (.com/forums/) which is why it looks to be a relative link URL.
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Post by BuckGB »

Thanks for pointing this out - sorry I didn't catch it sooner. The link has been fixed.
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