This may turn out to be the first (and last) of my posts to be deleted but here goes....
I’ve made two comments in this forum since last Tuesday. Since then I’ve been lurking, reading and marshalling my thoughts.
These are my observations and responses and constitute my opinions only
1) Any military action taken against Afghanistan or any State that sponsors terrorism, is the only ‘sanction’ they will understand. They can avert this by joining in the fight against terrorism. Expelling known or even suspected terrorists and denying them succor and support would be a good start.
2) I have little regard left for the ‘innocent’ populations of any of those States. Over five thousand ‘innocent’ members of the world population died last Tuesday. Mostly Americans, but three hundred from Great Britain, and scores from other nations of the world.
3) If Usama bin Laden is not the driving force behind the attacks of last Tuesday, he is the leader of a known terrorist group. If you are going to wage war against terrorism then you wage war against all terrorists.
4) Retribution, revenge or justice? All three apply. And in no particular order.
5) Advocating and espousing liberalism (that which is ‘politically correct’}, pacifism (die rather than resist), and socialism (the redistribution of wealth – either personal or National) are all well and good during peacetime. If those of you that live in Europe haven’t noticed up to now terrorist have been waging war against you for decades. Will you support your leaders when they stand up and fight back?
6) Israel deserves to exist. The people of Israel deserve to live in peace. Israel cannot stand alone. I am proud of my country for remaining a staunch ally of the Israeli people. Regardless of any and all attempts at peace with the Palestinians, Israel continues to live under threat of terrorist attacks daily. The only time Israel takes overt action against Palestinians is after a terrorist has just blown up some of their ‘innocent’ citizens.
7) I will support the leadership of my country in whatever action is taken to remove the scourge of terrorism from the face of the earth. Even if that means carpet bombing any terrorist sponsor-State further back into the Stone Age than they may currently be in.
8) The UN and its policies are the reason that North and South Korea are still divided fifty years later and why Saddam Hussein is still in power in Iraq. UN sanctions have been in place against Iraq since 1991 and the people still suffer although Saddam continues to build weapons of mass destruction. UN sanctions have been in place against Afghanistan for five years (two different sets) and the Taliban still repress their population.
9) The Gulf War was most definitely about oil. But which nations on earth most benefit from a free and openly available supply of Middle Eastern oil? The last time I looked BP has been a rather large presence in the oil industry of the Middle East since before WWI. Also, there are scarce few oil derricks in Western Europe. Don’t condemn us (US) for waging war against a despot when you also benefit from the results of that action.
10) The US has ‘sponsored’; diplomatically, economically, and militarily; many revolutions throughout the world since before WWI. And through our naiveté continue to do so even in the face of failure of those revolutionaries to adopt democratic free societies. It is to our great honor to continue to do so. As General (Ret.) Norman Swartzkopf said in a recent interview ‘Hell, I probably trained the S.O.B.’ when referring to our involvement in helping Afghanistan, of which ben Laden was a part, repulse the Soviets.
11) It makes no difference when the article by the Canadian was written, 1973 or last Wednesday. The sentiment stands true and rings even louder. I am very tired of the rest of the world; especially those of you that owe us your freedom from the tyranny of Hitler and his regime, finding fault at every turn with the US and anyone that would at any time stand up and praise us. My father and his entire generation gave everything unselfishly for the freedom of the western world. My father suffered his entire life from wounds he received in the forests of the Vosages. And still dedicated thirty years in the service of our country. Yes, I am a patriot. And damn thankful I have the freedom to be one.
12) The entire world changed on Tuesday, September 11, 2001. Didn’t you notice that? Some of you did.
GO HERE; [url=">"]web page[/url]
[ 09-17-2001: Message edited by: Anatres ]
[ 09-17-2001: Message edited by: Anatres ]
[ 09-17-2001: Message edited by: Anatres ]
i agree with most of what you say, except your comments about israel and innocents in foreign countries.
you also need to get your facts about iraq and saddam straight.
iraq is actually one of the most progessive Muslim countries. women are even allowed to hold jobs.
and what would you have differently in the Koreas? once again, i think you are talking without much knowledge on the subject.
and i fyou want tot alk abotu sanctions, keep in mind that israel has broken more UN resolutions than any other country in the world.
so, i agree with your comments abotu the US (more or less), but you need to read into foreign policies a bit more, not just watch TV.
you also need to get your facts about iraq and saddam straight.
iraq is actually one of the most progessive Muslim countries. women are even allowed to hold jobs.
and what would you have differently in the Koreas? once again, i think you are talking without much knowledge on the subject.
and i fyou want tot alk abotu sanctions, keep in mind that israel has broken more UN resolutions than any other country in the world.
so, i agree with your comments abotu the US (more or less), but you need to read into foreign policies a bit more, not just watch TV.
I would be a serial killer if i didn't have such a strong distaste for manual labor