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Greater Werewolf sprite

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Greater Werewolf sprite

Post by Tricky »

Has anyone ever heard of a mod that changes the appearance of the Greater Werewolf sprites? The only difference with the regular werewolf sprites is that it's slightly bigger, which has always kinda bugged me. I remember leveling my druid just to see what the greater werewolf shapeshift would look like, and being a little disappointed. I would have liked a slightly more mature brown or an ageing grey. Alas.

I don't even know if it is possible to mod specific sprites. I might try so myself if there isn't anything.
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Post by Berethor »

I haven't heard of anything that changes the action sprites of Werewolves, only the normal humanoid sprites.

I'm sure that changing the color of the sprite to grey wouldn't be too difficult for an experienced modder, but I'm not an experienced modder so I can't really help you out there.
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