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Any equipment like the stillwater blade...?

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Vorpal Bunny
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Any equipment like the stillwater blade...?

Post by Vorpal Bunny »

Y'know, the sword that lets you summon an animal for as long as you want, no fatigue cost? I want more equipment that does stuff like that, I wanna have a team of trained animals/demons to follow me. If there are any others, any insight on where to get them would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.
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Post by TwoHandedSword »

Equipment like the Stillwater Blade? Sadly, not that I'm aware of.

You can recruit Dog in Ashbury. (He's the worthless mutt that's being kicked to death, so hurry to find him once you get there.) He's a free follower and one of the best melee fighters in the game.

There's also the 5th-level Summoning spell Familiar; probably not worth it just to get another free follower.

There is a documented in-game cheat that allows you to recruit all the animals (and people) that you'd like; it involved casting and removing certain spells in a particular order, which accidentally made the effects permanent.

IIRC, you cast the appropriate control spell -- Dominate Will for people, Control Beast for animals -- followed by the 5th-level Meta spell Reflection Shield. Then you cancel the controlling spell, then cancel Reflection Shield. This process, known as Meta Abuse, left the creature or character permanently under your control; there was no limit to how many times you could do this, or on whom.

WORD OF WARNING: I take zero responsibility for any damage you may potentially do to a saved game if you follow this tactic. Nor am I completely sure that I'm remembering it 100% correctly; I've only read about this cheat, and have never performed it myself.

But keep in mind that you won't want to apply it until after you've visited a certain island, as permanent followers will cause a complication that won't allow you to advance the game.

(More spoilers follow)
On the Isle of Despair, you have to enter the Pit alone, unless you're able to bribe Thorvald's half-ogre bodyguard. Which means you'll have to kill off any permanent followers before you can continue, since there won't be an option to have them wait for you instead.
(End spoiler)
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Post by demlex »

I've done alot of testing with the Dominate Will, and Reflection Shield, and I can tell you, it is possible to make some followers acquired in this method wait, but they can only be followers that had "options" before you controlled them. They would need to have some kind of conversation bit with you besides a "Greeting" or a "Hate you", after controlling them, you need only to tell them directly to "wait" and they will, I've taken over the entire castle in Ashbury with my followers, and lets just say .... its well lit now.
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Post by Crenshinibon »

Just a warning, I have experienced extreme slowdowns with characters like this. I played a game with a Technologist, who had an army of Automatons. Unfortunately, for some reason the game would slow down after a certain number, and in this day and age, I strongly doubt that hardware was the issue.
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