I've just started the game, and I'm already stuck. Please forgive me for my newbie-ness. I got to the bridge to Stonebridge, which was broken, so I went the alternate way through the temple like the guy tells you that you have to do.
I followed the path to a little square building which had stairs going down to what I presume was the temple (I don't even recall if he called it a temple, but if you've done this stage, I'm sure you have some idea what I'm meaning). I've gone through there and killed everything, and read a book entitled, "the story of Etan Stonebridge" (or something like that).
There doesn't seem to be any other way out of this dungeon. Is there something that I have to do to open another way out? I'm assuming there's another way out because that guy at the bridge said I'd have to "go though" the temple to get to Stonebridge. Is this even the temple that I'm in now?
This game seems really cool, and I don't want to give up in frustration at this early stage.
oh by the way, if you answer this question you will win a million dollars.
Newbie stuck Question
Yes, you do have to go trought the dungeon. It is hard to tell you wnere to go exactly, but did you pick up the spellbook on a pedestal? It will open some doors when you lift it.
Otherwise, you just have to look around everywhere. There are no secret.
Otherwise, you just have to look around everywhere. There are no secret.
Build a man a fire, and you keep him warm for a day. Set a man on fire, and you keep him warm for the rest of his life.