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AHHH!! help me in the ice caverns

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AHHH!! help me in the ice caverns

Post by elephantman »

i went thru the ice caverns and came out the other side. GOING NORTH.

when exiting the caverns, there was the trading post with no way of going any more north.

around the middle of the ice cavern there are is a side exit that leads to a funny statue/cave that my party went into. nothing happened. the floor just creaked a bit and that's all!

i can't seem to finish the quest in helping the soldiers.

do i have to go back to glacern?

where are the guys that have the textbooks for the guy whose master of glacern is looking for?
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Post by Krynus »


I just got out of the Ice Caves myself. Continue along the path past Jeriah's Trading post, and you should get to the next section, i guess (that's where I am now).

Concerning the books, both can be found in Glacern. The first is with an archer in the tower at the entrace gate. There is a lift that will go up once you stand on it, and then talk to the archer to get the book from him. The other one is in the possesion of Elio, who is in a house near the right side of the city (relative to the entrance). Once you get these two books, go back to the guy in the Magic Shop, and he'll give you 200 gold. However, if you are already through the Ice Caves, it's not worth going all the way back to Glacern.
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