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More questions and questions

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to any of the titles or expansions within the Dungeon Siege series.
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More questions and questions

Post by elephantman »

1. After u visit Taresh and the Fortress, where does the journey lead to? Into the Skull or outside?

2. If u get that Lord Bolinger into your party, do u still need a mule after that? My party is already developed in ranged weapons and I don't want to lose them as well as I have 1,000,000+ gold so if i need some sweet armour or weapons I should(I hope!) have enough.

3. before u fight the soceror just b4 the fortress. there are signs that tell u where the eastern swamp and bonepickers post is. i can't seem to get there. the signs lead to a dead end. is there any significance in getting there?
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Post by AngusThermopole »

1. The Hall of Skulls is a side quest where you can meet another NPC. The journey outside is the contiuance of the main quest.

2. I still used a mule after passing Lord Bolinger, but you can probably do without it.

3. There were only small side trails (one leading up a hill and one leading to a cave) before the Gresh showdown. Everything proceeds through Gresh and Frotress Kroft.
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