Dungeon under house after coming out of the Goblin Horde
Dungeon under house after coming out of the Goblin Horde
I'm currently in the dungeon under the house in the forest after the Goblins (where you find Thayne's customers). There is one room with a square catwalk surrounding four boilers, each with a valve. I tried turning the valves, but didn't seem to find anything. Do these have any functionality?
reset them so that they are all off.... (no gas spraying out)
now do each valve once....now go back to the start of that rooma nd there is that level that didnt do anything before, well now it works, flip it, and an elevator comes, with another lever on it....flip it, and a room opens with goodies!
reset them so that they are all off.... (no gas spraying out)
now do each valve once....now go back to the start of that rooma nd there is that level that didnt do anything before, well now it works, flip it, and an elevator comes, with another lever on it....flip it, and a room opens with goodies!