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What next?

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to any of the titles or expansions within the Dungeon Siege series.
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What next?

Post by VarisSul »

So, after you beat the game, what do you do next? What if you don't want to play on-line (I only have one phone line and really don't want to tie it up all day playing on-line). Why did MS make the game similiar to Diablo here, and make the game harder and start over after you beat it? It does seem like a waste of money and time now that I've beaten it. I really would have like to taken my developed character on to a bigger and harder battle.

Does anyone know if there are plans to incorperate this in the next version of the game? Or, is MS just planning on making this a "expansion" only for internet play?
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Post by AngusThermopole »

You don't need to use a dial up to play multiplayer. Just start it as a network multiplayer game and you can play without being online.

Depending on what level your character is determines what level you can play at multiplayer(normal, veteran, and elite). If you finished the SP, you should be able to start multiplayer at veteran, though you won't be able to transport to all the locations until you level up.

Though you can't save a multiplayer game, your character is saved and thus can develope up to 150. I have not heard of anyone getting that far yet without using a cheat.
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Post by VarisSul »

Please be more specific

I'm not exactly sure what you mean. Could you give step by step directions on how to connect without connecting? Thanks. :confused:
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Post by AngusThermopole »

After you have selected "multiplayer" from the main menu, you have three options: Zonematch, Internet, and Network. Select "Network" and host a game. You do not have to have an actual lan hookup to another computer to host a game. Obviously, you'll be playing by yourself, but you don't have to tie up your phone line to play the multiplayer maps.

BTW, the Utraean Pennisula map is quite large and gives hours of playing time.
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Post by VarisSul »


Thanks, again.

Why can't the game be save in this mode? It's on my HD, right? Anyone found a way to do this? Just thought I'd ask.
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Post by Krynus »

I think that there are mods in development and/or GPG is working on this issue (saving in Multiplayer), but until something new comes out (either a mod or a patch), you can't save in Multiplayer.
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