[QUOTE=Noober]Have you ever heard of summon stacking? Consider that absorbing about 5000 attacks, while dealing the damage of all your summons at once. Obviously a Staff of Teleport is nowhere near as practical, and certainly unsuitable for PvP, not to mention that you sacritice an item slot (at the very least the equivalent of Enigma). And if you aren't summon stacking, you will be hit, be it from Gloams or pk'ers. If you consider Life useless, you could not be more incorrect. Strength is good because it allows you to keep base strength, which means more life, or half price block (assuming you don't use that silly Splendor sheild). Summoners are good, though arguably bad mannered duellers. You stated the best possible items, cost is irrelevant. If I had a Barb & Summoner with a single Enigma, I would mule, though Enigma is FAR more effective with a summoner then a Barb. Not to mention that Teleport speeds up MFing ALOT. And you also need it to micro your Merc. Enigma is the single most common armour among top level summonmancers. Period.[/quote]
Perhaps I should add a small abbreviation to my guide: Summoner's Guide (PvM). 99,5% of the Necro PvP'ers are Bonemancers, and the other 0,5% will not know what Gamebanshee is nor will they show any interest in this guide, because they're probably very experienced players (because they know how to win duels with Summoners). Maximum Life is increased by 5%: with a 900 lifepool (I doubt many summoners have life above 1k), that's 45 life added will 45 life save you from a Gloam hit? I don't think so. You get a wonderful +15
life per kill, but when will you make any kills? Unless you make a hybrid Summoner/Bonemancer (being both a weak summoner and weak bonemancer due to the lack of synergies) or a Summoner/Venomancer, your summoner won't kill anything himself and won't receive the bonus when his minions kill things. Strength is very nice too, but even good summoners gear has suck low Str requirements that any Summoner can get away with a low investment in Strength. You said I "will" be hit, but to be honest: I'm not. Why? Because all the skill points I invested in Dim Vision (I recall you called them "useless") prevent me from getting hit at all, even by Gloams. The only thing I truly fear is Champion Gloam packs, but in areas infected with Gloams I make sure to scout ahead with a clay golem, and have maximum lightning resistance (mostly I can take up to 6-7 lightnings before having to drink a Rejuv). I even keep a T-Gods Vigor in my stash specially for areas where Champion Gloam packs might spawn.
Obviously you have absolutely no experience in these matters. There are entire characters based on Thorns + summons. Certianly also opens the secondary summon tree. Of course you ignore important things such as Resists (inc. Max resists)"]
Don't understand me wrong; Bramble is a great armor. But why waste it on your summoner when your Merc can get so much more use out of it? 1010% damage returned is a nice amount of damage done to your opponents, but it doesn't make up for the other things your summoner could get by equiping other armors. You mentioned resists: Bramble gives 30% FR which isn't that good, and 100PR which is the least useful of all resists.
If you honestly think that skills are the single most important features on items"]
Again the difference in mentality between us both comes up: I built this character specially for PvM, and SU and area MF running. Sorry, but I don't rush, nor do I duel. If you say a Skin is far superior to TO's in PvP, I simply can't disagree with you. Because I don't PvP. The resists are great, you're right, but I just put an Um in my TO pieces.
If by 100 you mean 500 and by 10-20 you mean 4"]
High level BA is great in Hardcore, and using the Marrowbug is invaluable for getting that. That's why I would always prefer these above any other boots in HC. The +2 mastery boost is nice too however, and the only reason I said that is because my SC summoner rarely uses his BA (he's used to not getting hit anyway). Actually my SC summoner uses War Travs, but if you let him choose one reason for equipping Marrows he'd say the SM boost. The HC one would probably think he's crazy
If you would permit"]
I won't discuss this further, but just one thing: AB is not an RP group. In fact, it's the third largest D2 community on earth. The only thing that makes it different from pubbie games is that it doesn't allow duping, botting, hacking or PK'ing. And the members don't use l33t speech, which I find extremely irritating. It's the reason why I don't focus on personal defense: what to defend against if the chance to meat a PK'er is reduced to 0,00%?
If you honestly think that Summonmancers don't do anything"]
Rapid castings of Teleport are nice for Meph and Baal runs, but the Summoner is a SU/Area runner. If you kill anything you see, there's not much use for Teleport. Ofcourse it's nice if you want to rush yourself through the game or run Meph, two things I don't do. If you want to make a Summoner's Guide to rushing, anti PK tactics and large scale MF Boss runs, by all means go ahead.
Curse Spamming: even my curses with only 1 hard point investment have a 5 yards radius and 10 second duration. Decrip spamming on WW'ers is a great tactic in PvP. Sadly, this isn't a PvP guide. Decrip spamming on bosses is a great tactic in PvM, but for me it doesn't matter whether I get those 5 decrips off in 5 seconds or 3,98585 seconds, because bosses get slowed down after 1 or 2 castings anyway.
Chain Corpse Explosions: most monsters die after 2 or 3 CE's, and my Skeletons ensure that I have more than enough time to get those off. I don't understand why this is so important.
Clay Golem recasting: even if your Clay Golem dies in one or two hits, you'll have plenty of frames to cast a new one before the old one goes down. Spamming Clay Golem seems a weird thing to do, unless you want to get rid of mana ofcourse.
Defense against PK'ers: Whenever I saw PK's, I just quit the game and never tried to compete against them. Nowadays I never see them and never bother with them. Might be useful in public games though, I have no idea.
If should probably also be noted that most of my sug
gestion carry much bias towards high level PvM (e.g. Players 8 Hell) or PvP (which requires far more skill...generally at least =p)[/QUOTE"]
Again, this is not a PvP build. And if you want to play Players 8 Hell, even your suggested equipment is not the best: just prebuff your skeletons at the highest level possible, switch to a Faith bow and give your Merc Pride and Bramble. Even Frenzytaurs will be a pushover probably. The best items are those who give a bonus to your whole army: generally these are Merc runewords or paladins. And if I had the choice I'd pick the paladin: he might say something interesting after all