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Never done a melee character before so....

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Never done a melee character before so....

Post by Siberys »

Well, I'm planning on starting a Vanilla (Non-modified) diablo 2 expansion and am curious as to many things. Can't put it in a poll, cause that would take up a few threads. is what I am going for. I need your opinion of this.


Specialty (Select 2)-
Mass Damage
Single Hit KO

Items level 1-20
Socketed Armor (What gems/runes)
Soketed Weapon (What gems/Runes)
Socketed Shield (What Gems/Runes)

Items level 21-40
Unique Armor (Shoot for in gambling)(Specify)
Unique Weapon (Specify)
Unique Helm (Specify)
Unique Shield (Specify)

Items level 41-60
Crafted trinkets (Rings,amulets, belts, gloves, boots) (Blood, Hit-power, or Safety)
Rune Word Item (Specify)

Now, these are all the things I am shooting for. Just let me know what combo has worked for you before at what level indicated. I made this rather general in the Specialty because that is something I am good at.

Any thoughts on what I could/should do?
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Post by Demortis »

well, everyone has their opinions, heres my two cents.

you want to have as much health, armor, and damage as possible. the high armor because getting hits a bad thing, the health with let you survive a hit or two, and give you enough time to heal, the mass damage helps to clear out the area. the next thing you have to worry about is speed, you need this to close in on ranged attacker. i dont know what else to say, if anyone wants to add to this, feel free
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Post by Siberys »

Ok, so what I have is a barbarian at level 10.

Look to the bottom for his current stats. Now, are there any suggestions of what to go on like.

(That little X on my skill page, ignore it. I used a mod before and I can't seem to get rid of it. What it does, is it unallocates the skill points previously used, though, I won't be using that.)
Listen up maggots, Mr. Popo's 'bout to teach you the pecking order.
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Post by moltovir »

I think you'd better remake your character and choose a build plan, instead of allocating your skills randomly. If you want to make a Barbarian, there are various choices:

-Frenzier (dual-wield, insane attack speed when combined with Double Swing)
-Concentrator (strong, high damage, high defense)
-Booyaka (Leap Attacker. Insane damage, very fun to play)
-Berzerker (High magic damage, no leech, low defense)
-Whirlwinder (Cookie-Cutter build, WW requires some technique and is hard to use in the beginning)

These are the most common builds, and they're all hell-viable. Some general Barb tips:

-Invest in vitality. A lot. A Barb gains the most life points out of vitality, so use that advantage.
-Unless you have a high blocking shield, it's hard to aim for max block, because you need those Vit and Str points.
-A Barbarian without maxed Battle Orders is not a true Barbarian. Max this on every Barb build you make.
-75% or higher resists are absolutely necessary in Hell for survival. If you can choose between defense and resists, always pick resists.

Links to various PvM Barb builds:
Berserker (note : this guide contains some good info, but I'd go with Berserk + maxed Howl and Shout instead of Howl + Weapon Mastery. Berserk's AR bonus is high enough, and the Critical Strike triggers often enough even at slvl 4-5 Weapon Mastery. IIRC, the skill tab gives incorrect information about the CS chance)
I couldn't find a good WW build (I found some, but imo they were crappy. If you want to read them anyway, check the D2 Character & Skills forum, Builds thread), but this is a very good WW technique guide: Whirlwindology
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