Hi, I've just started the game and played a while. I then save and exit the game and took a short rest. After I started the game again and load the saved game, I found that the charcter level and inventory of my party member "Drevin" have retunred to the same as when the game start (i.e., the EXP earned in the last time when I played the game is not saved). Is it normal or is there any problem with my game?
I just started DS2 and I have exactly the same problem - no stats-saving of Drevin´s character.
Could you solve this problem?
I am also trying to get out more..
Without going into details (I don't want to ruin what will happen in the game), don't worry about Drevin....everything will be solved shortly if you keep playing. You'll see what I mean when the story develops.
this is because drevin isnt staying wit you forever, do the first part of the game up to the point you get in contact with dryads (should take you about 1hr max) all the things you do before are more or less a prequel to the game itself.