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Bone Minions and Invencible blue mobs *Little Spioler*

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Conde Dooku
Posts: 38
Joined: Thu May 19, 2005 3:40 am

Bone Minions and Invencible blue mobs *Little Spioler*

Post by Conde Dooku »

they are random around all world, blues invencibles mobs seems pops when you clean a portion of the map, cause always pop when no more other mobs left on the screen. Bone minions can pop from any urn or box you break

Bones usualy drop a lot items after a long easy fight ( a lot HP, almost no hit)

But when a blue invencible mobs pops start a time counter, after that time, he disapear, Each time you reach a determinate cuantity of damage, he drop a Lightblue item (rare) and if you do A LOT dmg on it, he drop and excepcional set item, my advice, when one apear, Pause game ASAP, drink mana potions if your casters dont have full mana, mirror mode, all dmg instant spells loaded (with instant i mean spell how dont need aiming, like lightings, beams, or encase)

one of them drop this for me ( im an Archer )


(Composite Bow from bloodly vengance Set)
55/98 DMG
15 meters range
requires range 48
52% dmg
adds 15 to 25 death damage
+2 to range Skills
+3 Bitting arrow, far shot, shockwave

Set 1/4
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