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broken elevator bug after you get finala

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broken elevator bug after you get finala

Post by rohawn »

after getting finala i went back to Kithraya Valley to the broken elevator well as it went down all my members of my party went down elevator but finala and i needed here to open the chest down there. I tried to get it to return without bringing all my members back up but couldnt so i brought em all up and tried to position everyone on the elevator to go back down. The elevator wont work again *sigh.
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Post by Jumbik »

Yes that is annoying bug but when you try this page then you can try to avoid some other bugs before patch will be released.

And here is also list of some more or other bugs to watch out for. It is from a walkthrough at gamefaqs and it is written by Barry Scott.

This game does have some showstopper bugs in it, but they don't hit everybody,
so it may be a while before Gas Powered Games is able to fix them. See hint
#6 in section 2.2 for information on backing up your save games (since DS2
only gives you two saves per character). Keep regular backups. If you hit a
showstopper bug, you can restore a previous save and try again.

* In Act I, Chapter 5, the old man asking for help may never acknowledge your
help if you kill all the Dryads quickly. You can reload from an earlier
save, if you have one. To avoid the bug, allow the Dryads to hit the old
man a few times. As of this writing, there is no official patch for this
problem, but there is an unofficial fix here:

Use at your own risk.

* In Act II, Chapter 3, you have to place some refractor crystals in
refractors in order to activate the Elven Prism. Some have had a problem
with the game not acknowledging they have a crystal when they try to
insert it into a refractor. According to an official post on the GPG

"What has happened is that you double-clicked on one of the light
mechanisms and (because of the bug) you were able to insert 2 crystals.
This will be fixed in the upcoming patch (which will allow you to
continue), but it won't be out until around the end of the month."

This quote was made Tuesday, August 23, 2005; so, if you are stuck here
and you have saved more than once since entering the Isles, you may just
have to wait for the patch. Unfortunately, the "end of the month" has
come and gone and GPG is still saying it will be at least a couple more
weeks (as of 2005/09/03) until the patch is ready.

* When you add a party member at the Inn, instead of the party member you
selected, you get a duplicate of another party member. The first party
member is gone and you've now got two of another companion in your
"party inventory". There's no known workaround for this glitch except
to reload and try again.

* When you finish a difficulty level, you cannot get rid of previously
hired companions. Since you can't get rid of the "old" henchmen, the
"new" henchmen from the current difficulty level won't join your party.
The solution is to have a bunch of pets, enough to fill up the first
page of the "party inventory" screen at the Inn. Then, add henchmen to
your party and disband them until all the henchmen are on the second
page of the party inventory. You should now be able to release the
henchmen permanently and pick up their higher level counterparts.

* Skipping a cutscene may prevent scripts from running. This is prevalent
during the chase of the Vai'kesh Prophet during Act II, Chapter 5. If
you skip a cutscene showing the Prophet, the creature may stand there,
not attacking, but invulnerable to your attacks. You can usually move
on and he'll show up again at the next cutscene location. The moral
of the story: don't skip cutscenes.

* Characters can get stuck in the oddest places. Even out in the middle
of empty space. If a character gets stuck and can't move, your only
option is to summon a teleporter and jump back to town and then return.
If you're in town when this happens, you have to quit the game and restart.

* Not a bug, but a huge annoyance. The conversation triggers don't recognize
any monsters nearby. Almost every party conversation, and more than a few
quest conversations get interrupted by attacks. This is nothing more than
poor design; hopefully it will be fixed in some way.
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