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Barb skills question

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mr. hedgehog
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Barb skills question

Post by mr. hedgehog »

I have a question about the shout skill. The first increment doubles your defence - 100% So, for example a low level Barb with 40 Defence would be boosted to 80 defence on Shout. However, I have now started off a new character and have been experimenting with this and iron skin, and have noticed at level 6 (150% bonus to defence) my defence goes from 609 to 1044 - this is not a 150% bonus, or even a 100% bonus - a 100% would now equal 1218. Am I missing something with this skill? I am confused.

Thankyou for your time.
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Post by Lonelypilgrim »

My theory is that it takes your natural defence,without the iron skin skill.This is very likely to prove false though...
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mr. hedgehog
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Post by mr. hedgehog »

That had crossed my mind too - but my natural defense before iorn skin would have been 300 or so - so an added 150% would make 750...

V. confusing.

I think im cracking up, because i just added another skill point to Iorn Skin and my standard defense dropped - witnessed by GF. Were probably both going mad...

Anyone shed any light on these defense dilemmas?
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Post by Dottie »

Do you have a mercenary with defiance aura? The aura only gets turned on after the merc takes its first hit, so that could explain you defence drop.

Also, when calculating defence all bonuses get added together before multiplication, instead of multiplied. So other bonuses might mess your calculation up.

Lastly there are some ways in which the caracter screen gives incorrect information, but I'm not sure if this is one of them.
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mr. hedgehog
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Post by mr. hedgehog »

Still on standard Act1 merc. Have experimented with 3rd Barb - only using Shout; No iron skin - and the defence bonus seems to be holding true at level 5 to this point. This is very bizzare, at the moment it seems to me that the Iron Skin skill doesn't compliment the shout skill, it detracts from it, or at least messes up th calculation. I keep getting pretty much half the bonus i should from shout when there are a few points in IS.

Anyone else got any experience of this issue?

I will experiment further and post again soon.
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